Canada: Syrian Refugee from Somalia Drives Two Different Vehicles of Peace Through Edmonton

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 2, 2017

As is standard procedure, the CBC has not shared a picture of the innocent refugee so as to not incite racial violence.

Some racists may say that this is an indicator that these third-world Moslems being imported into Canada are violent savages pushing a genocide.

These racists don’t understand these attacks were inspired by Charlottesville and the protesters inability to dodge the Dodge.

Those same racists will also be receiving a knock on their door from the RCMP before being brought to a reeducation camp for violation of M-103.


Abdulahi Hasan Sharif, the Somali refugee said to have committed suspected terrorist attacks in Edmonton late Saturday, kept a low profile in the city’s Somali community.

CBC News conducted numerous interviews with members of Edmonton’s Somali and broader Muslim communities but no one appeared to know Sharif.

The 30-year-old’s name triggered no recognition but the acts he is suspected of perpetrating were unanimously condemned.

“This individual has no place in our community,” Ahmed ‘Knowmadic’ Ali wrote in a statement Sunday on behalf of the Edmonton Somali community.

“We are your neighbours, co-workers and police officers and we stand strongly beside you in condemning this violence and mourning its effect on the community.”

See you evil racists? All of this Somalians kinsmen are condemning him! Taqiya is a conspiracy theory.

​Around 8:15 p.m. Saturday near Commonwealth Stadium, an Edmonton police officer was struck by a Chevrolet Malibu while working crowd control for a CFL game.

Const. Mike Chernyk, standing behind a barricade when he was hit, was sent flying into the air. A man got out of the Malibu and attacked Chernyk with a knife before fleeing on foot.

More than three hours later, a white U-Haul van was pulled over at a checkstop on the city’s north side. A police officer recognized the driver’s name as similar to the name of the registered owner of the car that had struck the officer earlier.

The U-Haul then sped off toward downtown Edmonton, where streets were filled with Saturday night bar crowds and football fans. Pursued by police, the van struck and injured four pedestrians.

Edmonton police Chief Rod Knecht confirmed that a black ISIS flag was seized from a car where the police officer was attacked.

“He would rant,” the former co-worker said. He didn’t want to be identified out of concern for his safety.

“It was very incoherent. He would just bounce from idea to idea, tangent to tangent, just about what he believed in and he definitely had genocidal beliefs, you could say.

The only solution to this is more integration courses and reeducation camps for racists, which almost certainly caused this attack.