Canada: “Teens” Brutally Beat 17-Year-Old White Girl Sending Her to Hospital

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 18, 2018

Rebecca Taylor.

Gotta watch out for those yoofs.


The mother of a 17-year-old girl who was left with a broken orbital bone after a beating by two 14-year-old girls inside White Oaks Mall says it’s ‘a relief’ that a pair of suspects have turned themselves into police.

Investigators announced Tuesday that two teenagers have been charged with assault in connection to a January 9th attack at the Ardene store in White Oaks Mall.

“There was a sense of relief to get one piece of this over with and have the girls into custody and before a judge and begin the healing for everyone involved,” said Colleen Taylor, the mother of the 17-year-old victim who suffered the broken bone.

Taylor’s daughter must now undergo plastic surgery to repair her eye socket, which her mother said was shattered in the beating.

“She has to have a titanium plate put in to replace the bone, which is completely shattered,” Taylor said.

Taylor said the altercation that led to her daughter’s injury began on January 9 when she and a friend were about to enter Ardene’s, a clothing and accessory chain.

“[They] wanted to enter the store and these young ladies were filming on their phones,” she said, noting the girls were asked to stop.

The disagreement escalated from there, according to Taylor, who said the girls followed her daughter and her friend and began calling them names and throwing objects at them.