Canadian Faggot Claims that America Must Have Gun Control Because of Science

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 4, 2017

Some leaf soyboy is claiming that if there were no guns, nobody would ever die ever so we need to make it near impossible to purchase a firearm.

He very conveniently overlooks Switzerland, a nation with an even larger gun culture than the USA with almost 0 gun crime, and Mexico, a nation with some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and also some of the highest crime.

It’s almost as if these faggots are stupid and pushing an agenda to disarm our people.

It’s also important to point our Canada has some really strict gun laws.

While we don’t have very many mass shootings, other methods of killing people that are easier are used instead.

I would also like to mention Canadian Gen Zykloners love guns, and the second we take power every White Canadian citizen will be given a Mad Max car with half a dozen mounted miniguns on it.