Canadian Judge Forced to Resign After Comments Made Rape-Hoaxer “Feel Like a Slut”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 10, 2017

This is absolutely insane.

This lying bitch should be in prison – or worse – for having hoaxed this rape and destroyed a young man’s life.

Instead, the judge is having his life destroyed by this bitch as well because he allegedly hurt her feelings while questioning her obvious lies.

Shame on you, Canada. Sick!

Washington Post:

A Canadian federal judge who asked an alleged rape victim in court why she couldn’t “just keep your knees together” resigned Thursday, after a judicial panel released a scathing report calling for him to be removed from office.

Justice Robin Camp of the Alberta Federal Court came under fire in 2014 for badgering the woman during trial about whether she could have done more to defend herself against the man she claimed had attacked her. The Canadian Judicial Council conducted a 15-month review of the exchange after receiving dozens of complaints from the public.

In its report Thursday, the council found that Camp’s conduct was “manifestly and profoundly destructive of the concept of impartiality, integrity and independence.”

“Public confidence is sufficiently undermined to render the judge incapable of executing the judicial office,” the council wrote. “The judge’s removal is warranted.”

Within hours, Camp, 64, said he would step down. He apologized in a statement to “everyone who was hurt” by his comments. Federal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould accepted his resignation, saying she was confident he had received due process, according to the BBC.

“Sexual assault and gender-based violence is in no form acceptable and we will continue to stand up for victims,” she said.

Camp presided over the sexual assault trial of Alexander Wagar, a 29-year-old Calgary man. The accuser was identified as a 19-year-old woman who said Wagar had raped her over a bathroom sink during a house party, as The Washington Post has reported.

Here’s Alexander Wagar:

If some bitch came into court and said this guy raped her when she was drunk at a party, would you simply accept it without question?

By the way, this guy was kept in jail for two years while this trial was happening. Seriously. Two years. Based solely on the accusations of some random dumb slut.

His mom died while he was in custody. He wasn’t able to visit her.

And this woman is walking away from all of this scot-free while the judge is punished for asking her questions that hurt her feelings.

Throughout the trial, Camp falsely referred to the woman as “the accused” and suggested she could have staved off the alleged attack.

“Why couldn’t you just keep your knees together?” Camp asked at one point.

He didn’t suggest that she should have “staved off the alleged attack” WaPo, you lying fake news kikes.

He was questioning the veracity of her claims that she was forced, which later turned out to be a lie.

He later said that young women “want to have sex, particularly if they’re drunk,” and told the accuser that “some sex and pain sometimes go together” and “that’s not necessarily a bad thing.”

Camp also questioned why the woman didn’t “just sink your bottom down into the basin so he couldn’t penetrate you,” saying that she could have avoided the attack if she had turned her pelvis “slightly” away.


Camp acquitted Wagar in September 2014, but an appeals court overturned the ruling. In January 2017, Wagar was acquitted again in his retrial, with a new judge finding that there was reasonable doubt that he had sexually assaulted the woman.


Which means the bitch is a liar.

She should be prosecuted. Instead, we’re hanging the judge for allegedly hurting her feelings.

The Canadian Judicial Council opened an investigation in November 2015, after a group of law professors filed complaints against Camp. Dozens of other complaints from members of the public, and Camp went on to recuse himself from cases involving sex crimes, as The Post’s Kristine Phillips has reported.

Wagar’s accuser said she felt so browbeaten by Camp that she considered suicide.

“What did he get from asking that,” she said. “He made me hate myself and he made me feel like I should have done something, like I was some kind of a slut.”

You are a slut.

That’s why you felt like that.

You are also the worse type of slut – the kind who forces men to suffer for your sluttery.

But get this – you wanna talk about sluts – this poor judge’s own slut daughter was rolled out to whine about a rape hoax and attack her father…!

At a hearing, Camp’s daughter testified that she herself is a rape victim. She called her father’s comments “disgraceful,” but said she stood by him, describing how he supported her when she told him she had been raped in her home, the CBC reported at the time.

Camp later admitted to misconduct but argued that he should be able to keep his job. His words, he told the panel in written submissions, were the product of “unconscious bias or ignorance,” not hostility toward the accuser. He said he had spent months educating himself on Canada’s sexual assault laws, speaking with feminist scholars and seeking sensitivity training.

The council was unconvinced.

Yeah, dude.

These sluts don’t care.

Instead of doing sensitivity training and talking to feminists, you should have read the Daily Stormer. We would have set you straight.

Firstly, never apologize for anything, you won’t ever be forgiven.

Secondly, nothing you said was wrong, you were examining her argument, which is normal court procedure. The man was found not guilty by a separate court. This proves, matter-of-factly, that you were right. You should have stood your ground and fought proudly, and you would have had a chance at winning.

More importantly, if you would have stood your ground, you would have been able to keep your basic human dignity, which by apologizing and talking about your “unconscious bias” you have lost. And that’s something you don’t ever get back.

If I was in this situation I would have said: “yes, I am sorry – I’m sorry I didn’t get down off the bench and slap that lying bitch in her cocksucking whore mouth!”

And whatever happened to me after that, I would have walked away the winner.

This is Seriously Out of control

This feminism thing has gone off the bloody rails.

These women are able to literally do whatever the hell they want, to just ruin the lives of anyone they come into contact with, and face zero consequences. Instead of facing consequences, the government rushes in to help them destroy men.

Evil, vindictive, stupid females are at the root of our social collapse. Our prime mission at this point in history needs to be shutting these bitches down.

These are feral animals.

They should be kept in cages.