Canadian Truck Master Accused of Being Part of Incel Rebellion

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 26, 2018

Okay, so, he’s from Armenia.

He ran people over with a truck.

And this is incel terrorism?

Fox News:

The Toronto van attack suspect was sexually frustrated and called for a “rebellion” by like-minded men just before he’s accused of plowing a rental van into pedestrians, killing 10 people — including at least one young woman.

Alek Minassian, 25, posted on his personal Facebook page that the “rebellion has already begun” for incels — someone who was involuntarily celibate — and hailed Elliot Rodger, a 22-year-old who killed six people in a 2014 vehicle and shooting rampage near the University of California, Santa Barbara.

“Private (Recruit) Minassian Infantry 00010, wishing to speak to Sgt 4chan please. C23249161. The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!” Minassian wrote in the post.

Rodger had referred to himself as an “incel” before carrying out the mass killing because he was sexually frustrated. He later committed suicide.

Facebook on Tuesday confirmed the message, posted early Monday just before the deadly attack, was made by Minassian.

“This is a terrible tragedy and our hearts go out to the people who have been affected,” a Facebook spokesperson confirmed to Global News. “There is absolutely no place on our platform for people who commit such horrendous acts. We have found and immediately deleted the suspect’s Facebook account.”

In the post, which has since been removed, Minassian referenced overthrowing the “Chads and Stacys.” “Chads” are the men who are not rejected by women and sexually active while “Stacys” refer to the women who reject men. The attacker seem to use a code that was a unique identifier to a post on a 4chan subchannel for anime, the Globe and Mail reported. No post referring to the code was found.

Authorities are still determining the motive of the attack. People who knew Minassian described him as someone who “wasn’t overly social” and would often be alone.

“I remember seeing him probably just walking down the halls, usually by himself, or in the cafeteria by himself,” said Ari Blaff, who went to school with Minassian. “My memory is not perfect, but certainly, it would not be, I don’t think, a misstatement to say that he wasn’t overly social.”

You’ll have to forgive me for not trusting you, Ari.


Incel terrorist….

This is possible, I guess.

Suspicious for a number of reasons.

Firstly, he’s Armenian and he could easily go to his home country and get decent pussy just being normal, and presumably as a foreign-born Armenian could be pulling from the top shelf.

Furthermore, if he’s a member of the incel rebellion, why would he target random people with a bus?

Elliot Rodger had a logical target in a sorority house.

If you’re going to ruin your life doing an act of terrorism for ideological reasons, it seems to me you’d want to choose a meaningful target, which in this case would be stuck-up sluts.

I Hope He is an Incel Terrorist

This might bring much needed attention to just what the sexual revolution has done to the average male in Western society, who simply cannot get laid, because every single bitch is on Instagram fucking Chad.

The Jews told us that the sexual revolution meant all men would get free sex and what it turned out to mean is that <5% of men get harems of all the women in the society.

There isn’t really an answer to this problem, other than to severely restrict the rights of women.

Or to reinstate a regime of shame on women for their whorish behavior. Because women pretty much only respond to one thing and that one thing is social shaming.

But okay.

This guy is still alive.

Let’s wait and see what he says.

The could just be pulling this “beta uprising” meme to cover up the fact that he was a Moslem.