Can’t Kike the Alt-Right (With Questions for Milo Yiannopoulos)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 7, 2016


I have already written a detailed response to the Breitbart article by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos, “An Establishment Conservative’s Guide To The Alt-Right.” But as this is the beginning of a massive assault on our burgeoning movement, I have spent a lot of time thinking about it, and would like to add further thoughts.

I will also present a few questions for Milo.

A History of Jew Trickery

Milo Yiannopoulos, a Jewish homosexual, has a history of engaging in sneaky Jewish tricks.

He is a charismatic individual, with very high verbal intelligence; he has the traditional homosexual characteristic of being opposed to the reigning social order – a desire to rebel, to be on the outskirts of society looking in. He has channeled this rebellious into an attack on the present milieu, which is liberal SJWism. He violates (very specific forms of) political correctness in the same way his homosexual predecessors violated Christian norms. Given all of this, the right-wing has grown to view him positively, despite his degeneracy and Jew nature.

But this is how they get you. Clearly, the man seeks to undermine right-wing movements for Jewish purposes.


Milo sells “big black cock” shirts for White women in his store.


The hero of the alt-right…?

Before moving into the Alt-Right, he became a figurehead for Gamergate, and helped totally destroy that movement. Of course, many will look at Gamergate as trite, given that the whole thing was centered on video games. However, there were larger social issues being addressed there, and those involved with the movement had begun to sniff out the Jews behind the SJW feminist agenda.

Milo, along with Sargon of Akkad, entered the movement and took it over, at which point it became nothing more than an endless attack on soft-target feminist retards, never digging any deeper than that – never addressing the Jew behind the curtain, never leading to a larger revolt against the anti-White male agenda at work in society.

Gamergate is now basically dead. Under their present leadership, they’ve gone moderate, and have no goals or demands. The momentum has been exhausted.

Meanwhile in the Alt-Right, The Daily Stormer is getting Nintendo employees fired. Note that as far as I’m aware, Gamergate never managed to get a single person fired. We took down the first one we targeted, Alison Rapp, an aggressive feminist extremist and child-sex advocate.

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Alison Rapp, feminist pervert, was fired by Nintendo in response to a campaign by The Daily Stormer.

With Gamergate in ruins, Milo is now attempting to make himself the figurehead of another leaderless movement.

Sorry, Jew: We Have Fundamental Values

Gamergate was just a confused mess of guys pissed off at feminists invading their space. They didn’t really have principles beyond “screw these people.” Though earnest and genuine, it was easy to subvert.


Without the bleached hair, we get a different impression, no?

The Alt-Right, on the other hand, is driven by well-defined principles, even though we presently do not have a leader. There are different strands of the Alt-Right, of course, but we all agree on a few core concepts:

  • White countries will be for White people
  • Traditional gender roles will be restored
  • The Jews are the prime force behind the collapse of Western civilization

What Milo’s article attempted to do was undermine these principles, to redefine what we are.

The only possible way this can happen, however, is if you replaced the people involved in the Alt-Right with new people.

Questions for Milo Yiannopoulos

There are several important questions that need to be answered with regards to this subversion agenda piece.

Where is the data to support the assertion that trolls are just joking and actually support race-mixing, homosexuality and diverse societies and believe in the Holocaust?

In your article, you make the claim that Alt-Right trolls on Twitter and /pol/ and so on don’t actually believe anything they say and are just saying it to piss people off.

You write:

For the meme brigade, it’s just about having fun. They have no real problem with race-mixing, homosexuality, or even diverse societies: it’s just fun to watch the mayhem and outrage that erupts when those secular shibboleths are openly mocked.

And even go so far as to imply we believe that the Holocaust was an actual historical event:

Meanwhile, the alt-right openly crack jokes about the Holocaust, loudly — albeit almost entirely satirically

I was a /b/, /new/ and /pol/ user a long time before I started this website, and there is no single bigger influence on the tone of the site than 4chan. I would wager that the majority of trolls on Twitter use either the Daily Stormer and/or The Right Stuff as a base of operations, as we are the two sites that have really tried to streamline the core message of /pol/ (/pol/ itself is a bit of a mess these days – though there is of course still good stuff there).

I am quite familiar with this culture, and I can guarantee you that I have never come into contact, personally, with anyone who says they’re just doing this for lulz (at least not since /b/ in, like, 2006).

Of course, we do have fun. Why should we not have fun? You can have fun doing things you believe in – these things are not somehow mutually exclusive.

I would be very interested in seeing whatever data you have to support this bizarre assertion that everyone is lying about their beliefs. Even anecdotal evidence would be interesting to look at.

You claim to have spent a month doing interviews, and yet you directly quote very few individuals. Perhaps on-the-record quotes from figure within the Alt-Right who told you that it is all a joke, and people really like race-mixing and believe the Holocaust is real can be presented?

Baseless assertions do not amount to real journalism – just agenda-driven propaganda.

Who are the “1488ers”?

You use the term “1488ers” in your story to describe alleged “actual Nazis.”

To whom are you referring?

You mention Stormfront, but I have never see anyone on the internet say “I’m from Stormfront” when posting on other sites. Stormfront is a great site, but it is extremely insular.

The person who coined the term “1488ers” has tried to pin this label on me and my site, and yet we are much closer to fitting your “meme team” definitions (excluding the part where we are lying about our beliefs, of course). It also wouldn’t follow that I am a “1488er” given that you assert that they are a small group, and The Daily Stormer is the world’s most visited Alt-Right website.

You write:

Every ideology has them. Humourless ideologues who have no lives beyond their political crusade, and live for the destruction of the great. They can be found on Stormfront and other sites, not just joking about the race war, but eagerly planning it. They are known as “Stormfags” by the rest of the internet.

Based on our research we believe this stands in stark contrast with the rest of the alt-right, who focus more on building communities and lifestyles based around their values than plotting violent revolution.

1488ers are the equivalent of the Black Lives Matter supporters who call for the deaths of policemen, or feminists who unironically want to #KillAllMen. Of course, the difference is that while the media pretend the latter are either non-existent, or a tiny extremist minority, they consider 1488ers to constitute the whole of the alt-right.

Those looking for Nazis under the bed can rest assured that they do exist. On the other hand, there’s just not very many of them, no-one really likes them, and they’re unlikely to achieve anything significant in the alt-right.

Who are these people?

This doesn’t describe Stormfront. Stormfront is not plotting a violent revolution. This is against the law. An outrageous accusation.

Do you have evidence Stormfront is plotting a violent revolution?

If not, why would you accuse them of that?

That is extremely unethical journalism.


The most humorless people claiming to be Alt-Right are those who try to tone-police the movement with terms such as “1488er.” Tone-policing is the epitome of humorlessness. The Alt-Right is a populist movement, a people’s movement, and tone-policing is an elitist practice, antithetical to populism.

You also suggest there are “LARPers” going around pretending to be German Nazis. Where are these people? As the publisher of the world’s most visited Alt-Right website, I have never met these people. I am vaguely aware that there are groups that still dress-up as Nazis, but this is like 30 people who aren’t really on the internet very much. Then there are prison gangs. But they’re also not really on the internet, nor do they constitute a political movement.

Of course, we all love Hitler. But that in no way implies that we wish to pretend to be 1930s German Nazis, or that we do pretend to be German Nazis. And it certainly doesn’t imply that we’re humorless.

War and Conflict, World War Two, pic: 20th April 1945, Germany's leader Adolf Hitler with young members of the Hitler Youth in Berlin, some 10 days before he committed suicide in the last hours before the Russians captured the city (Photo by Popperfoto/Getty Images)

What kind of sick pervert doesn’t love Hitler?

Who are these hardcore violent and humorless Nazis plotting to overthrow the government? What are there names? What are the names of their groups?

Do you have data to prove that they exist?

Why was there no mention of Jews?

If we were to identify a singular core principle of the Alt-Right, it would be anti-Semitism. All types of different groups of people from differing walks of life have been drawn together by an awareness of the subversive agendas of the Hebrew people. As such, it is incredibly bizarre to read an article about the Alt-Right that fails to mention the Jews.

It is, of course, unsurprising, given that you yourself are a Jew and work for a publication which is largely controlled by Jews.


The Jew plan is to put the Alt-Right on the same footing as every other political group in America.

I understand that the entire purpose of your agenda is to remove the Jewish question from the narrative of the Alt-Right. And that this is why you didn’t mention the Jews. Still, I ask anyway, as I’m interested to hear your own explanation for the decision to remove the most basic principle of the Alt-Right from an article ostensibly about the Alt-Right.

Dawn of the Leaderfags

The shilling has officially intensified.


What we are going to see from here on out is repeated attempts to install fake leaders in our movement. We call such persons who try to force themselves in as leaders as “leaderfags.”

Thankfully, these people are easily identifiable: they refuse to talk about Jews. They will also attempt to include Jews in the movement, claiming that they are our allies in the struggle against “liberalism” or whatever.

Given that we have such a foundation of anti-Semitism, it will ultimately prove impossible to subvert our movement in this manner. Unless, of course, a whole bunch of new people are brought in to overwhelm us and push us out. But the logistics of that seem very difficult, given that we are an internet-based movement.

However, even while they do not pose a real risk to the Alt-Right movement, it is important to call-out leaderfags when they appear, to make it clear that we will not be subverted.



The thing about leaderfags is that there will always be a certain percentage of the people who want to follow a leaderfag even if they don’t agree with him or even understand what he is talking about, simply because they have a natural desire to have a leader. However, these same people will side with the mob if they see that the mob is largely against the assumed leader.

The mob is our greatest strength. We are all the mob. And given the simplicity of our message, the mob will always be correct on core issues.

Of course we need leaders, but we need natural leaders who represent the will of the mob – not forced leaderfags who are attempting to shove a watered-down and/or weird agenda down our throats.

Presumably, Milo is going to keep pushing, trying to weasel his way into the movement, install himself as some type of a prime leaderfag who then appoints other leaderfags to direct us away from the corrosive Jewish parasite.

Replacing the Jewish Problem with a White Problem

Presently, it looks as though a big part of the strategy to direct us away from the Jews will be the promotion of the concept of “pathological altruism,” a theory which asserts that we Whites simply cannot help destroying ourselves in an attempt to help non-White people.

There is some basic truth within the concept, as we are an extremely empathetic race. But the agenda I see coming is to remove the Jewish question from the equation and replace it with pathological altruism. This ultimately amounts to victim-blaming.


Pathological altruism, you say?

The concept of pathological altruism is interesting on an intellectual and academic level, but that is the extent of it. It is not useful in attempting to address the real plague of our society, which is the Jews. Beware of anyone trying to use this theory to shift the blame from the Jews onto Whites.

Also beware of anyone trying to inject any other type of new concept into the narrative. We have a very stable narrative, and we need to simply stick with it and build on it. We need to stay focused on the Jewish problem, on building a movement based on an awareness of the Jewish issue.

Lately I have been noticing many bizarre concepts emerging, attempts to confuse the narrative with nonsense.

One of these is the idea that we shouldn’t identify as White, and should instead identify based solely as belonging to a specific ethnicity (I wrote about this earlier this week). The reverse version of this is that we need to babble endlessly about building some type of futuristic pan-European mega-state where all ethnic-states are dissolved into some type of galactic empire (most of the people talking about this are Americans who haven’t spent much time in Europe).

Some sectors are preoccupied with obsessing over the mysterious details of various conspiracies.

There are also people trying to inject religion into politics in such a way as the politics could never be popular.

Our agenda needs to be to keep the message simple, and continue to work toward our goals. We are gaining ground rapidly.

Here are the numbers for the last six months on The Daily Stormer – traffic has nearly doubled.

From Similar Web:

Selection_999(1326)And those numbers are low. But the pattern is correct – up, up, up.

Here are my own more accurate numbers over the last month:


On Super Tuesday we had 281,730 unique visitors (with the average visitor viewing ten pages). We only had less than a hundred thousand visitors on one day over the last month, when the site was down for several hours and I was then late doing updates.

The other truly hardcore, big league Alt-Right site, which focuses solely on the issues and avoids various forms of gobbledygook, The Right Stuff, is following the same trend.

And I would assume that as with DS, Similar Web is only recording half of their traffic:


We have no reason to change course, we have no reason to inject unnecessary new ideas into the narrative. All we need to do is keep doing what we’re doing. We need more people involved. We need to expand. That is the way forward.

We already have a message which is proven to be popular.

We do not need to compromise in a feeble attempt to “go mainstream.” That will only destroy us. We are already on our way to becoming mainstream, without compromising.

We don’t need Jews’ help and we don’t need their permission.

All we need is us. Brothers in arms, standing against the eternal parasite.

We will win.

It is inevitable.

And we’re gonna have fun doing it.

drink em if you got em

Hail Victory.