Care Home Run by Non-White Owners Fails Every Single Aspect of Care Quality Inspection

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
September 22, 2014

They even have the cheek to call the care home ‘Avalon’, after King Arthur.

Instead of being encouraged to produce more children of our own, we are constantly being told that we need to import non-Whites into our countries in order to look after us when we get old.

One of the many problems with this idea is that they are incapable of actually doing that, as we see here with a care home that was run by a Mr Abdul Jaffer that failed every single aspect of a Care Quality Commission inspection.

Instead of being banned from looking after old people and deporting those involved for torturing our elderly, the care home is still being run by the same owners!

Bournemouth Echo:

CARE home inspectors issued five warning notices to a Poole nursing home after finding a catalogue of serious failings.

Avalon nursing home in Branksome Park failed every single aspect of a Care Quality Commission inspection in August and was ordered to make immediate improvements.

The owners say they were upset by the report and have taken immediate action to rectify problems.

The care home from Hell is owned by Abdul Jaffer.

They have now been re-inspected by the CQC and say they are confident the new report, which is due to be published any day, will be much more positive.

Inspectors visited the home in June and found problems with some patients not receiving their medication for several days and others not being helped to eat and drink sufficient amounts.

They also criticised the home for being dirty and under-staffed.

The report claims one resident had been “unlawfully deprived of their liberty” by having their hands heavily bandaged with no evidence the correct procedure had been followed.

Inspectors also found an “unlawful” Do Not Resuscitate order where there was no indication the person or their representative had consented to this. And another resident deemed to be “aggressive” was being unlawfully restrained by staff who had not been trained in safe restraint.

If we are not producing enough young people to look after our old, then there is something seriously wrong with our society.

The solution to the problem is not to replace our young people with foreigners who hate us, but to look at the reasons why we are not reproducing and rectify them.

Abdul Jaffer is also the former chairman of Bournemouth Football Club.