Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 29, 2014

As we have better security now, the Jewish internet police, also known as Anonymous, have moved on to shut down other websites which spread the truth about Jewish lies. Carolyn Yeager’s site was ddossed just after this message was left as a comment:
Carolyn Yeager: you will be down for the rest of the day maybe year
starting 11 30 am you will be downed , for the remained of the year , you can have you website back either by donating money to either the michael bronw eric garner jordan baker btamir rice etc families , or pay the 1000 fee of being a fucking dipshit rasict from kerrville .. any guff will result in a complete dump of all your website viewers info and picutre of there front doors and for the anti fasict community to see
The message was left under the name of “r0(h3z” and linked to – so it is the same group of unbelievable faggots who attacked the Daily Stormer on numerous occasions, announcing that they were silencing us because we disagreed with Obama and the Jewish media.
I will again note the irony, which those who have been involved in chan culture over the past decade are already aware of: Anonymous was originally formed for the sole purpose of defending free speech and now it exists for the sole purpose of shutting it down.
What is fascinating about the attack on Carolyn is that it was so clearly an attack to defend the Jews. I follow Carolyn’s work, and she very rarely talks about the Negro menace, focusing almost exclusively on the Jewish problem and in particular historical revisionism. The attack came after she had posted several pieces about the upcoming Holocaust remembrance day.

Clearly then, this talk about extorting money from her to fund the cop-killers is merely cover for an obviously completely Jewish agenda.
Defending Berger’s Jewish Anti-Free Speech Campaign
Following this same pattern, earlier in the month when I was promoting a trolling of Luciana Berger, these fags – who cannot seem to effectively ddos us anymore – claimed that they could backtrace the IPs of anyone who posted on Twitter! They then started posting addresses, saying they were of people from this site who were trolling Berger.

Worthy of mention here is the idiotic pattern we see – these Jew-lovers are continually claiming to have magic powers to shut us down. You saw above they claimed to have the IP addresses of all Carolyn’s readers, and then here they are apparently claiming to have hacked Twitter’s network and have full access to it, which is an unbelievably retarded claim to make.
Here are some other documented false claims:

Many other claims were made, but Sven got angry and deleted all of the comments containing that evidence. Among the other claims were that he had the ability to access the computers of anyone who visited this site, among various other insane/retarded claims that anyone could obviously see were false.
This is also the same group which claimed they would release a sex tape of Iggy Azalea if she didn’t apologize to a Negress rapper for hurting her feelings. They did not have the sex tape, they just made it up. It is also the same group who did the attacks on the KKK and claimed to have secret pictures of their families and then just published a bunch of pictures from Google image search.
Anyway, utter faggotry; these are completely incapable people and not real hackers by any definition of the word “hacker.” Ddossing, for those who don’t know, doesn’t actually require any skills, it simply requires a few bucks to rent a botnet and use it to attack a site. Doing it doesn’t make you a “hacker” any more than paying a Black guy to stab someone makes you a ninja assassin.

Moving on – it is telling that they attack Carolyn then use this weird excuse of Michael Brown, and it was telling they defended Berger and threatened anyone who trolled her on Twitter.
The only possible reason they would make a point to come out in support of Berger is that they are defenders of all Jews and defenders of all attempts to shut down free speech online. We attack various Jews on this site all the time, but they don’t usually come out to defend specific Jews in this way, so it seemed related to the fact she was also trying to silence speech on the internet.
Anonymous is now Bizarro Anonymous, it seems – the exact opposite of what it used to be, which was a support of all forms of free speech, it is now a type of reverse-ACLU where it supports all forms of censorship.
The philosophy of Anonymous:
“I may not disagree with the speech you are trying to silence, but I’ll fight to the death to help you shut it down.”
Not Edgy
Basically, the leftist faggots have given up any and all pretense of being hip or edgy, and now just want to crush all opposition so they can… I don’t actually even know what their goals are.

There is no way you can be both counter-culture and fight against those who question the government, and the left is having a very difficult time coming to terms with this. Anonymous literally silencing the speech of anyone who disagrees with the government or the media is the ultimate manifestation of this identity crisis.