Cartoon Holohoax Blasphemy Condemned by Same Hypocrites Who Now Claim ‘We Are All Charlie’

Michael Hoffman
Revisionist Review
January 11, 2015


Hot air windbags throughout the West are today proclaiming their defiant support for “blasphemy” of religion of the kind the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists specialized in with regard to Islam (and as we showed in yesterday’s blog —  occasionally with regard to Judaism too —  but the media are loath to reveal this fact about “Charlie”).

Russ Douhat of the New York Times writes: “…both liberalism and liberty require that it (blasphemy) be welcomed and defended.” (“The Blasphemy We Need,” January 7, 2014).

We don’t know if Douhat’s sincere or not. Here is our e-mail to him:

Dear Mr Douhat: Very nice rhetoric. Question: is your pledge selective or absolute? If selective, it means nothing. It only signifies the right to blaspheme against that which you oppose.

Here is a test of your professed ideals: will you “welcome and defend” the satirical comic book Tales of the Holohoax?

The cartoons in this comic book blaspheme the execution gas chambers of Auschwitz and associated mythomania.

— Michael Hoffman (end quote from our e-mail to Times’ columnist Douhat).


We also take this opportunity to challenge revisionists around the world, as well as Muslim media, to ask, what are you doing to publicize the disparity between the publicity and support accorded to anti-Islamic cartoons, and the damnation and denunciation leveled at the Tales of the Holohoax comic book, for which two men in Britain, Simon Sheppard and Stephen Whittle, have been imprisoned?

Here is a golden opportunity to show up the hypocrisy of kosher-conservatives in America, and people like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Israeli mass murderer Binyamin Netanyahu, who support the arrest and imprisonment of anyone who dares to blaspheme Holocaustianity —  the civic religion of the otherwise agnostic West — while proclaiming the right of freedom of expression for those who blaspheme Islam.


Fantastic opportunities like this come along once or twice in a lifetime. At this moment, as these words are being written, truth campaigners have a tiny window, a cubic centimeter of chance, to use the horrible massacre at the offices of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists to focus attention on the demonization of cartoons that blaspheme the most sacred icon of the West —  the supposed homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz —  even as Zionist thought police have the chutzpah to lecture Islam on lightening up and being able to take a joke.

All it takes is getting Tales of the Holohoax and the demonization of its author and jailing of its distributors, into the international discussion and to the attention of reporters and columnists, and have it “go viral.”

The complete Tales of the Holohoax comic book is online here

An account of the ordeal of the two men imprisoned for distributing Tales of the Holohoax is here

If we can break through the media curtain this will represent a million dollars worth of free publicity for revisionism and the unmasking of the inquisitors and religious fanatics who denounce Muslims for transgressions against liberty for which they themselves are guilty.

Let’s make it happen!
