XA Ameriki
June 18, 2014
All the information provided here was legally obtained in public domain, we are posting these profiles in order to expose these various criminals and the conspiracy they are a part of. The hypocrisy of these Anti-Greeks is blatant for all to see.
Richard Ledes – The Director

“Marxist for the working class”, yet resident of the wealthiest village of New York, Katonah. Associate of George Soros of Katonah. Donor to various Soros projects. He also has apartments on the upper west side of Manhattan.
Went to exclusive prep school to study ancient Greek, most expensive prep school in USA.
Father is cosmetic industry mogul George John Ledes, associated with Ronald S. Lauder.
Father in-law is Michael Jaharis, Billionaire pharmaceutical mogul and close friend of Fr. Alexander Karloutsos.
His supposed Greek origins are questionable, in an interview with the Greek Reporter, Ledes claimed his paternal grandparents were Pontian Greeks from Georgia who met in Constantinople, then fled to the US in 1944 because of a population exchange between Greece and Turkey, despite no such exchange occurring in 1944. The picture above of George Ledes indicates other racial origins.
Father Karloutsos

Father Karloutsos is a figure known for his network of millionaire backers within the American Orthodox Archdiocese.
Very close friend of Richard Ledes’ father in law Michael Jaharis.
Lives in a $700,000 house in the elite Southhampton New York. Lives down the street from George Soros’s second home.
“Honorary Advisor” for “Hellenic Initiative” a big capital organization that is aimed at taking donations from Greek-Americans for Greece and preventing it from getting it to real Greek people. Other notable members include Muhtar Kent, the Turkish CEO of Coca Cola.
Breached multiple ethical boundaries by referring to the ridiculous concept of “Judeo”-Christian values and being one of the biggest outspoken supporters of the Samaras regime.
Refers to Samaras, whose policies have led to the suicide of thousands-as a “hero” in “Golden Dawn, NYC” documentary.
The go-to priest of Greek-American high society, he was the overseer during the marriage of Richard Ledes to billionaire Kathryn M. Jaharis in 1996.
Nikos Alexiou

Communist and Admitted Anti-Christian, board member of SYRIZA NY.
Reported to be well connected in the Greek American community.
Unlike the other members involved with Syriza NY such as Despina Lalaki and Peter Bratsis, Alexiou is more of a Stalinist rather than a follower of Trotsky. He supports the more hard lined approach of Stalinism, as was seen in open extermination of Orthodox Christians during soviet Russia.
At a meeting of Syriza NY in response to allegations printed on a flyer about Syriza being Anti-Christian, Nikos Alexiou said quote: “At least they got the Anti-Christian part right.”
Despina Lalaki

“Marxist for the working class” involved with SYRIZA NY, (AKNY) and various violent anarchist groups and violent convicted felons such as Thomas Keenan of Somerset New Jersey. Resident in one of the most expensive areas in New York City.
One of Despina Lalaki’s rented apartments in the neighborhood of Chelsea at 301 West 29th St.#1, sits in an area where the average rent for a 1 bedroom is approximately $3130 or €2300 Euros. This is about 4 times the total monthly salary of the average working class Greek in Greece.
Through her wealthy family connections back in Athens, she was granted a position from the Onasis foundation at NYU. You can call the Onasis program at +1(212) 998-3979 and ask why the self proclaimed anti-capitalist and philo-turk, is taking a grant from an organization based off one of the wealthiest capitalists who ever lived, Aristotle Onasis.
Attends rallies in support of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the one responsible for numerous genocides and deportations of Greeks and Armenians, yet considers herself a humanitarian.
Claims to be against Samaras, for workers rights, despite her family in Athens working with the Samaras government to mandate dangerous generic drugs produced in 3rd world countries to be used in Greece. The company who signed the contract to do this with Samaras is Teva Pharmaceuticals, an Israeli company
The Business Unit Manager for Israeli Teva Pharmaceuticals working this deal with Samaras is her very own brother Konstantinos Lalakis.
Peter “Porky” Bratsis

If Porky Pig was a Marxist, Peter Bratsis would be him. Peter is yet another academic who probably has never worked a real job in his life, yet studies “culture, technology and work”. Unlike most of the other SYRIZA NY members, he actually lives in Astoria at 3419 29th Street, Apt #3G. He can easily be found on the streets of Astoria eating in his favorite restaurants.
Porky believes he is brave for going out in public parroting politically correct thoughts on camera, despite his Marxist ideas being the standard banter at just about any university in the western world.
Nicholas Karacostas

Supreme President of AHEPA and fanatical Zionist. Worked tirelessly to advocate for Israeli and Jewish interests, even when they are at the expense of Greek ones. In 2010, Karacostas lashed out at Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus’ criticism of Israel. He has participated in a number of events sponsored by the World Jewish Committee and Israeli government.
Has obvious economic incentives to attack Golden Dawn and be an apologist of the Samaras regime. Karacostas, just like associate Gus Bilirakis.
Cypriot born in Kyrenia, Cyprus. Lives in an $818,000 home at 29-10 212th st in Bayside NY and tells starving people in Greece “It’s going to be a little difficult.” but to keep supporting Samaras. If any starving Greeks in Greece need money, give him a call at (+1) 917-846-6507 or email him at NKARACOSTAS@VZW.BLACKBERRY.NET and ask if he will send you money in case Samaras leaves you to starve in the street. The Cypriot will be more than happy to share his wealth we are sure.
Important collaborator with the Israel lobby in drumming up support for the agreement to allow Israel to exploit oil in Greek territory, even if Russian companies like Gazprom offered more mutually beneficial deals.
Marcia Hadad-Ikonomopoulos

Ikonomopoulos is Jewish and a fanatical supporter of the racist, genocidal state of Israel.
Criticizes Golden Dawn for believing in the concept of blood purity for Greece, while at the same time, she supports a regime that sterilizes blacks, bans interracial marriages and asks for genetic tests to prove Jewish racial purity of eastern European Jews for Israel.
Dean Sirigos

Also known as Constantine Sirigos. Journalist on the Samaras and Zionist payroll. His job at the largest Greek-American newspaper is to promote the Zionist agenda to Greeks in America, and spread slander against Golden Dawn.
Claims 30% of Greek-Americans are descended from or are illegal immigrants. Provides no source for claim. His point being Greeks in Greece should not resist Muslim invasion due to his statistical statements.
Iannis Delatolas

Marxist for the working class” appointed leader of “ANTARSYA US” Born In Germany, lived In Greece and now at 399 Union Street in one of the most gentrifying trendy neighborhoods of Brooklyn NY. Also affiliated with SYRIZA and AKNY
A flaming homosexual who claims he makes his money as a photographer, his real source of income in order to pay the approximately 1800 Euro per month rent is unknown.
Dan Georgakas

Dan Georgakas, extremist from the 1960’s, enjoys a comfortable position in academia at Queens College. In 1966 Georgakas founded the anarchist terrorist group “Black Mask”, later known as “Up Against The Wall Motherfuckers”.
The Lower East Side radicals were known as a vicious street gang during the 60’s, and sprung to infamy when one of its members, Valerie Solanas, attempted to assassinate Andy Warhol. Georgakas’ group was also cited as an inspiration for the “Weather Underground”, a paramilitary organization which undertook a national bombing campaign in the United States.
Neni Panourgia

“Marxist of the working class” living in one of the wealthiest areas of New York City.Author of book supporting Greek leftist terrorist organizations such as N17.
Her fully furnished apartment at 410 Riverside Drive apt#71 alone costs $4500 (€3340) per month not including utilities. About 6 times the entire monthly salary of a working class Greek in Greece today. When she is not in her Luxury apartment, she is spending her summers lounging in her second home in Galaxidi, Greece.
Eric Poulos

Eric Poulos is a Lawyer, his famous line in Richard Ledes film is when he claims Golden Dawn New York Division does not appear in public.
This is especially comical because not only is there pictures and videos of us in public everywhere on this site, there is a clip of us walking around the Greek parade in midtown Manhattan in the VERY SAME Documentary he is speaking in.
Lying is his profession. Poulos’ last high profile case was when he tried to defend a violent Puerto Rican gang member Luis Ortiz, who was later convicted of attempted murder for shooting a police officer in the head. Defense failed since the crime was on tape and he had been arrested 14 times before.