Cat-Lady College Professor Leads Acquittal of Negro Who Threw Asian Man in Front of Oncoming Train

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
July 20, 2017

It seems like blacks who commit brazen and high-profile crimes have been walking more and more lately.

The negro who pushed a much older Asian man in front of an incoming train in New York City in front of dozens of witnesses – a scene that was tastelessly photographed and made front page of the Jew York Post – has just been released by a jury.

New York Post:

The homeless man who fatally shoved a drunken Queens father in front of a Q train nearly five years ago was acquitted of all charges Monday.

“I’m thankful for my freedom,” crowed Naeem Davis, 34, after being cleared in Manhattan Supreme Court.

“I knew it would happen eventually,” he told reporters. “If you work and have a job and do the right thing, the law is going to work on your behalf.”

Davis’s acquittal came about a week after his lawyer, Stephen Pokart, told jurors that his client had acted in self-defense against a “deranged and threatening” man, Ki Suck Han.

A freelance Post photographer had captured the moment just before the Q train barreled into the station and crushed Han, an image that made the front page of the newspaper at the time.

Jury forewoman Gretchen Pfeil cried and hugged Davis, 34, as he walked out of court.

“For me, there was a lack of evidence on most of the charges,” she told reporters. “As a jury, I think, the vast majority of us from the beginning of our deliberations believed the prosecution had failed to prove that the defendant was not justified in his actions. And by the end of our deliberations, I believe we were of one mind that he was in fact justified in his actions or at least the prosecution had not convinced us otherwise.”

Pokart told jurors at the murder trial that Davis feared for his life after Han, 58, followed him into the 49th Street Station on Dec. 3, 2012.

“He was simply trying to defuse this combustible situation not brought about by him, but a man who was deranged and threatening,” said Pokart, who represented Davis along with Rachel Levy and Martin LaFalce of the Legal Aid Society.

Davis faced a potential life sentence in the case.

The jury, seven women and five men, began deliberating last Tuesday morning and announced their decision at noon Monday, finding Davis not guilty of second-degree murder, two counts of manslaughter and one count of criminally negligent homicide.

Assistant DA Charles Whitt had conceded that Han “staggering like a zombie, stumbling incoherently” but said that didn’t justify Davis’ extreme reaction.

It is unclear what exactly is propelling this trend. The first reason could be (((judges))) and certain jurors infected with “criminal justice reform” propaganda, which teaches that the massive gap in violent crime rates between blacks and whites must be closed by acquitting more black murderers. Prosecutors and DAs may also do a half-assed job with black criminals for careerist reasons.

To demonstrate what I mean, the Jury forewoman – Gretchen Pfeil – who “cried” and “hugged” this evil bastard – wasn’t even black, but a cat-lady Judeo-Left professor at NYU and the (((New School)))!

The second factor is the “Bronx Jury” mindset. Back in the day, a “Bronx Jury” would as a rule side with the minority in disputes with the police, but nowadays they are overtly lenient (or outright acquit) on any black for any crime against another race. Colin Flaherty talks a lot about this.

Regardless, what probably happened was that a small inebriated 58-year-old Asian guy mistakenly brushed a nigger’s shoulder and it provoked a chimp out.

What is more common, a black starting a fight over some little ego bullshit, or an old 120 lb Asian guy doing that? The self-defense argument is a joke.

But what is most telling isn’t a black doing stupid shit, but the dozens of diverse denizens sitting back watching as this old man desperately tries to crawl up the platform. The only intervention was some soulless Paki filming the incident so he could sell it to some Kike for a tacky front page meme at the New York Post.

And they say we’re the bad guys.

The irony is that if this was a subway platform loaded up with Neo-Nazis, somebody (not necessarily even one of these “Weeabo Nationalists”) would’ve helped Mr. Han up in time.

For minorities, life at the mercy of other non-whites and Jews is a far worse fate than even the most racist white country could ever be.

The black released back into the street by these jurors will violently offend again. As a <80 IQ immigrant from West Africa, he may even assume pushing Asian people in front of moving trains is legal.

It might as well be when you have black privilege.