Daily Slave
November 2, 2014

Here we have a story involving a cat named Baz that through no fault of its own has a patch of black fur under its nose. The feature looks reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s mustache.
The owner of the cat believes that this is what led to him being severely beaten and thrown into a bin left to die.
I cannot begin to comprehend why people would want to mistreat animals in such an inhumane manner. Especially when it comes to cats and dogs. These creatures can make wonderful companions for people if they are given love and affection.
Fortunately the cat survived, though short one eye.

A cat who survived a brutal beating because he looks like Hitler has battled back from the brink of death to make a full recovery.
Baz, a seven-year-old moggy, has a distinctive patch of black hair under his nose like the Nazi dictator’s moustache.
He was found dumped in a bin and clinging to life with severe injuries and blinded in his left eye.
Owner Kirsty Sparrow, 26, fears the timid tomcat was targeted by cruel youths because of his unfortunate likeness.
But five months on black and white Baz has been nursed back to full health and is now brave brave enough to venture back outside thanks to his caring neighbours.
Whoever did this is sick. People who do these types of things to animals for no reason are savages. The German National Socialists were way ahead of their time in regards to the ethical treatment of animals. They surely would not have approved of this incident regardless of what the cat looked like.