Catalan Police Chief Charged with Sedition for Defending His Nation

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 6, 2017

If I was this guy, I would flee to the now-independent territory of Catalan.

That would seem the prudent move.

For sure.

Otherwise, he’s going to get made example of and could do a decade or more in prison.


The Catalan chief of police, Josep Lluis Trapero, is appearing before a judge in Madrid on suspicion of sedition against the state.

His Mossos d’Esquadra force is accused of failing to protect Spanish national police from protesters ahead of the 1 October independence referendum.

The Catalan vote last Sunday was declared illegal under Spanish law.

The Catalan parliament plans to meet on Monday despite a Spanish Constitutional Court order suspending the session.

“Parliament will discuss, parliament will meet,” said Catalan foreign affairs chief Raül Romeva. “Every attempt the Spanish government has used to impede things to happen, they have been demonstrated completely not only useless but counter-productive,” he told the BBC in English.

Yeah, “counter-productive” or outright insanely hostile and brutal.

One or the other. Or both.

There is speculation that the session will be used to declare independence, based on Sunday’s disputed vote.

Watershed moment

The “sedition” hearing is taking place at the national criminal court in Madrid. The defendants are accused of failing to help Guardia Civil police tackle thousands of pro-independence protesters outside the Catalan Economy Department in Barcelona on 20 September.

Along with commander Trapero, another Catalan police officer and two leading independence activists are also being questioned in Madrid.

Leading newspaper El Pais says the accusation against the Mossos is extraordinary in post-Franco democratic Spain.

The crime of sedition has been in every Spanish penal code since 1822 and carries a potential prison term of up to 15 years. It amounts to rebellion against state decisions or national security forces.

Why would he not be convicted of these crimes?

He actually did what he is being accused of.

He needs to gtfo and back to the independent nation of Catalonia.

Take a tip from the Trap God, Trapero.

Get. Out.