Catholic Church Rebels Against the Anti-Pope

Diversity Macht Frei
September 24, 2017

For a while I’ve been referring to the Argentinian Marxist Bergoglio (“Francis”) as an anti-Pope. It seems I’m not the only one who thinks that way. Bergoglio has been formally accused of heresy by a number of big-hitters in the Catholic Church.

… in what is being described as an “epoch-making act” unlike any taken “since the Middle Ages,” a group of Catholic clergy and lay scholars have taken a similar measure of their own, making public a “Filial Correction” that was first delivered to the pope on August 11th. The occasion of the publication of this document is today’s Feast of Our Lady of Ransom and of Our Lady of Walsingham. Versions of this correctio are now available in English, Spanish, French, and Italian, along with supporting documents and a list of signatories, on a new website created to support this effort:


No Cardinals have yet signed the accusation of heresy. But there are rumoured to be some who are thinking of pitching in.

The accusations relate, not to Bergoglio’s embrace of migrant mania, but his challenge to traditional Catholic teaching on marriage, expressed in the document Amoris Laetitia. His open-borders lunacy is also being publicly challenged in Italy, however. A few days ago, on the Day of the Migrant, Bergoglio expressed support for the Ius Soli proposals that would grant Italian citizenship to an army of brown people. Monsignor Luigi Negri has publicly disputed this, arguing that it is not the church’s role to meddle in such matters.

Last year I wrote about how some of the Wikileaks emails revealed that Soros and another Jew, Sandy Newman, had set up a fake Catholic front group to try and bring about a “Catholic Spring”. This, of course, forms part of a much longer tradition of Jewish infiltration of the Catholic Church (see here and here).


Prominent American Catholics have questioned whether it was this same Soros conspiracy, aided by the Obama/Clinton regime, that led to the strange resignation of the previous Pope Benedict and his replacement by the current anti-Pope Bergoglio. Earlier this year, they published a letter in the American Catholic newspaper Remnant asking the Trump administration to investigate these claims, demanding an explanation of why the NSA was intensively monitoring the Papal Conclave.

The letter mentions a “Cardinal Daneels mafia” allegedly involved in ousting Benedict and replacing him with the “modernist” Bergoglio. Even prior to these Wikileaks revelations,  evidence had surfaced that Bergoglio’s election was, in part, the result of a conspiracy by the “Sankt Gallen Group“. Daneels is part of this Sankt Gallen Group. If Bergoglio’s election was, in fact, the result of a conspiracy, this would theoretically render it null and void, because the rules governing Papal elections specifically prohibit prior understandings or agreements among the electors. You can see serious case made for this point of view here.

Bergoglio seems intent on destroying the Catholic Church and even Christendom itself. Today, the conservative Italian newspaper reports that he is thinking of abolishing the Vatican (!), claiming the Pope could live outside Rome, even in Bogota.

There is a chance that the charges of heresy against Bergoglio will lead to some kind of formal schism in the Catholic church. This is all very strange because, within Catholic tradition, there is a document called the Prophecies of St. Malachy, which allegedly predicts the succession of Popes. According to this sequence, Benedict was supposed to be the last Pope.