Cats Captured in Belgium Then Released – Court Date November 17th

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 6, 2017

The beta male Puigdemont in the Belgian prosecutor’s office

This situation has gotten so dumb.

The virgin Catalans fled the Chad Spain, now they’re begging Belgium to give them asylum.


Former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and four former ministers have been freed with conditions by an investigating judge in Belgium.

The judge said they could not leave the country without permission and had to give details of their accommodation.

They had handed themselves in to Belgian police following an EU arrest warrant issued by a Spanish judge.

Mr Puigdemont fled to Belgium after Madrid imposed direct rule on Catalonia following an independence declaration.

He has said he will not return to Spain unless he is guaranteed a fair trial.

The five are wanted in Spain to face charges including rebellion, sedition and misuse of public funds.

They’ve got a court date.


Ousted Catalan President Carles Puigdemont and four associates will appear before a Belgian court on Nov. 17 to discuss the European arrest warrant Spain has issued against them, prosecutors said on Monday.

“The Brussels prosecutor’s office hereby confirms that the hearing at the council chamber will take place on Nov. 17 at 1400 (1300 GMT),” Brussels prosecutors said in a statement.

I’m not sure how Belgium was chosen, but I’m sure there was some logic there. I would have picked Switzerland, I think, if I was intent on staying in Western Europe.

Anyway, based on the fact that they’ve been released and the court date is so far away, it looks like they’re going to be allowed to stay for the time being.

Stay and do what though?


The last two secessions in Europe – the only two since I don’t know when, Kosovo and Crimea – were backed by military force.

Bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO

Allegedly stateless soldiers in Crimea

And that’s all good and well. If you have the ability to take something, I guess you should take it.

Conversely, in Scotland, the UK agreed to honor their independence referendum if it passed. It obviously didn’t pass but if it would have they would have gotten their independence.

But the idea that an illegal vote justifies itself – there is no precedent for this.

Why did these Cats think they could just be like “hey guys, we’re leaving, okay, bye bye then, bye, we’re our own country now guys, bye, see you later”?

These people are stupid.

LITERALLY Wojack turns 57.