CCTV Catches Savage Attack on White Bus Driver by Blood-Thirsty Black Thug

February 27, 2014

The Black thug refused to get off the bus and tried every way he could to get the White victim to attempt to force him off. After the bus driver is finally forced to gently push the Black towards the door he lunges towards him like a wild beast and rains down multiple blows on him while shouting about wanting to taste his blood.

An Olympia bus driver was attacked by a rider after an argument between the two erupted.

Police said the Intercity Transit bus driver, Robert Weigelt, was on his route on the west side of Olympia when he and a rider began to argue.

That bus rider has been identified as 24-year-old Kiel Duggins. The driver then stopped and ordered the man off the bus.

Surveillance video showed the two men at first pushing one another.

Then Duggins began punching the driver in the face multiple times while screaming obscenities.

Kiel Duggins, from Olympia, WA.

A Good Samaritan on the bus saw what was happening and grabbed on to Duggins and tried to pull him off of the driver.

The attack only lasts about 60 seconds but the driver is punched more than 20 times.

Duggins ran from the bus. Weigelt has two black eyes and his nose was broken.

Wednesday night he said he couldn’t really remember what happened after the first couple punches.