Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
September 25, 2014

It seems non-White Central American countries are doing more to stop illegal immigration that the United States government.
Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala have come up with a plan to slow down legal and illegal immigration, mostly by improving their country’s economies and living conditions.
“The Plan of the Alliance for Prosperity in the Northern Triangle” which was presented by the Central American countries, would take money from the U.S. and use it to improve their countries. Unfortunately those are the only details of the plan given yet
“[The] plan aims to focus efforts in the communities of origin for the migrant population, in order to aid the creation of better conditions … and discourage the irregular migration that puts their lives and safety at risk,” said Hugo Martinez, the foreign minister for El Salvador.
Mexico has also increased it’s border patrol south of the country to turn back Central American illegal immigrants from crossing through Mexico on their way to the U.S.
Mexico has hired more immigration agents and is patrolling trains heading north more fervently.
Sure, Central American governments don’t care that much if the U.S. is being flooded with immigrants, but they are willing to care if they can get their hands on some money.
But at least it’s one step up from the anti-White US government which gets paid to secure its country’s borders, and does no such thing – in fact, it intentionally does the opposite.
America (the land) may not have originally been full of White, but the reason why it is being targeted for mass non-White immigration is because it is full of White people – and that’s the only reason.
If America was still majority American Indian, there would be no “melting pot”, “diversity” or “multiculturalism” agenda being forced on the country, because non-White people are considered “diverse” – therefore, they are not the “problem” that needs to be solved with “diversity”.
Out of all the countries in the world, the only ones being forced to accept these policies are White countries, oh, and also Tibet, because the Chinese are copying anti-Whites.
Anti-Whites are using mass non-White immigration and forced “diversity” (meaning no area can be “too White”) to turn the White population of many majority White countries into the minority.
Another word for this is genocide. This is White genocide, and it seems White Americans can trust Central American governments more than their own to protect White Americans from mass immigration.