Daily Slave
September 23, 2014

Perhaps the only thing that African countries have gotten right is their stance against homosexuality and other deranged types of sexual behavior. Even though the proposed punishments might be a bit extreme, these African countries should be praised for their forward thinking positions on the faggot issue.
Chad looks set to become the 37th country in Africa to outlaw homosexuality after government ministers voted to make same-sex relations a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
The decision, yet to be ratified by the country’s president, was condemned by human rights groups as another setback in the struggle for gay rights on the continent. Chad’s penal code is more than half a century old and does not explicitly mention homosexuality.
But section 361 of a draft new code states the punishment for anyone who has sexual intercourse with someone of the same sex is 15 to 20 years in jail and a fine of 50,000-500,000 Central African francs (£60-£600), according to a document seen by Agence France-Presse.
Why do these “human rights” activists believe they have a right to force their value system on African people? How do they then turn around and call us the evil racists, when all we want is for all peoples to have self-determination in their own lands?