Chainsaw Wielding Gypsies Set Fires and Prevent White Tourists from Passing

Daily Mail
September 1, 2015

The mob of gypsies terrorised the White tourists by burning tyres all across the road.

A mob of sixty Roma gipsies were blocking a French motorway this morning by setting fire to piles of tyres and chainsawing branches of trees to keep the blaze going.

British holidaymakers heading south and returning to Calais on the A1 motorway from Paris to Lille spent the night in their cars as French Police stood by and watched.

The gypsies were demonstrating in order to force a judge to release from prison the 26-year-old son of a man shot and killed four days ago so that he could attend his father’s funeral.

The man was one of four killed , including a child at the gypsy camp at Roye on Tuesday.

White holiday makers had to spend their night in their cars, until the police gave in to the gypsies demands.

A judge in Amiens bowed to the pressure of the mob today after they had blocked the route for 14 hours.

Police announced he had ruled that the son could be allowed to attend his father’s funeral under Police escort.

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