Debbie Cohen-Greenstein (Guest Contributor)
Daily Stormer
December 31, 2013
Celebrating Christmas is deeply offensive to non-Christians, and marginalizes already vulnerable minorities. Many people have now realized that it is wrong to say “Merry Christmas” in public, and we should be happy about this progress. However, there is still much work to be done in our march towards equality, if we consider how acceptable it is to wish people “Happy New Year” on January 1st.
For starters, January 1st is not universally considered to be the start of the new year; it is simply the European start of the new year. Other cultures celebrate the new year at different times, and publicly wishing someone “Happy New Year” on January 1st sends the message that the European calendar is the “real calendar”, and that non-western calendars are somehow inferior or less accurate. People born into the white supremacist system all “know” that the new year starts on January 1st, but very few of them could tell you when the Chinese New Year takes place.
Secondly, celebrating the start of the new year as a major event reinforces the white supremacist system of chrono-centrism. Chrono-centrism is the belief that time should be carefully measured and used for maximum profit, a key feature of white supremacist capitalism. White men developed complex means of measuring time and recording events, part of an effort to exploit and control people of color, women, differently-gendered and differently-abled human beings.
Non-chrono-centric peoples, like African and American natives, live without capitalistic exploitation, and relate to time in a more organic, harmonious way. By celebrating the new year, we are sending the message that white supremacist means of timekeeping are superior to those of indigenous peoples.
And finally, celebrating the new year around the time of the Winter solstice is a sign of patriarchal aggression, because the sun is traditionally considered to be a male symbol, in opposition to the moon, a feminine symbol.
White supremacist western culture celebrates the solar new year, rather than the lunar new year, showing once again a deep, pervasive hatred of women.
This January 1st, strike a blow for equality by refusing to join in the celebrations of the “new year”. The white supremacist patriarchy gassed six million Jews and burnt 40 million witches at the stake, all in the name of making a “better” world. By allowing the same supremacist system to control our ideas about time, we are preparing the way for more violence.