Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 17, 2014

White people have been having an ongoing conversation with themselves about which non-White races are the worst (if Jews are excluded). Generally, it is believed that Negroes are the worst of all, but many now believe Arabs are in fact worse than Negroes.
Many things indicate that Blacks in fact have more personal honor and dignity than Arabs. Case in point is this case of Ali Alsanai, who is a part of the Jessica Chambers case. He is the guy who runs the gas station Jessica was last seen at, and a close friend of the gang members who probably killed her.
After some internet investigators posted a bunch of pictures of him throwing up gang signs and holding guns and cash, he contacted police to tell them he’d been getting “death threats” on the internet and was deeply scared.
Now Alsanai says he is receiving death threats because some believe he is involved in Chambers’ killing.
“So now people threatening me to kill me…It got to this point.???… N I was the 1 tryna help!!!” he wrote on his Facebook page on Sunday.
Chambers, 19, was found walking down Herron Road on fire, only to die shortly afterwards in the hospital on December 6th. Alsanai said nothing was out of the ordinary when he saw her.
“See that’s why everybody’s shocked, because she was normal that day,” he said. “She just pumped the gas like she always do, she left, and two hours later we just heard what happened, you know, and we were shocked, because you would have never thought that would happen to her, and the way that it happened to her, because she didn’t deserve that. Nobody deserves that.”
Police have said they do not have a suspect or person of interest that they can talk about at this point. Alsanai was working on the night Chambers died.
According to Courtland residents, Chambers was in the store almost every day. That’s how Alsanai knew her.
“I knew her very well. If something was going on, she would have told me. She would have told me ‘I’m having a problem with somebody,'” he said. “But she was smiling, and she left, and that’s the last time I saw her.”
Alsanai told WMC-5 that a stranger told him, “Somebody is going to have to pay for what they did to that girl.” Another person wrote, “I hope somebody burns you and your store down,” in a Facebook post.
“Everybody knows me out here,” Alsanai, son of the owner of the gas station, told WMC-5. “Everybody likes me, I get along with everyone so they probably take it the other way, the wrong way, you know, ‘He’s a gang, he a drug dealer.’ They just posted a video on YouTube about me. I’m scar face Ali Alsanai.”
Oh the poor widdle Hadji. Someone sent him a mean mean message, now he feels scared.

He was a big bad boy with the big bad Negroes before, but now that he’s under investigation by the internet and getting threatened, he is whining like a little girl.
Why is he in our country? Look at this guy.
Why on earth would we bring this type of low-level human garbage into the United States of America?
The only possible reason you would bring this type of filth into America: Jews.
Blacks at the very least have an excuse to be in the US, as no one has thus far tried to ship them out. Also, Blacks don’t whine like this faggot. Instead they do like this: