Charges Dropped Against Stormy Daniels Over Strip Club Behavior

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 13, 2018

Stormy sure is making a lot of money off of her claims of having sex with Donald Trump.

Definitely makes you wonder if the whole thing is fake.


Prosecutors on Thursday dropped charges against porn star Stormy Daniels just hours after she was arrested and accused of illegally rubbing undercover police officers’ faces against her bare breasts during a performance at a strip club.

Her attorney said she was “set up” in a Columbus police sting operation, calling it an “absurd use of law enforcement resources.” Police said they routinely conduct such undercover operations.

The 39-year-old adult film star, who claims to have had sex with Donald Trump before he became president, was charged with three misdemeanors, each punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine upon conviction. She was released on $6,000 bail around daybreak Thursday.

By early afternoon, prosecutors said they were dropping the case because Ohio’s law against physical contact between strippers and customers applies only to someone who “regularly” performs at a club. In Daniels’ case, it was her first appearance at Sirens in Columbus.

A person who answered the phone at Sirens declined to comment.

Columbus police chief Kim Jacobs said “one element of the law was missed in error.”

“A mistake was made, and I accept full responsibility,” she said.

Officers were well within their area of responsibility when making the arrests, she added. But she said the officers’ motivations will be reviewed internally. Without providing details, she said unsubstantiated allegations about their motivations were circulating on social media.

Daniels’ lawyer called for an investigation into the arrest, saying some of the officers had what appeared to be “very Pro-Trump” social media pages. The lawyer, Michael Avenatti, tweeted screenshots from what he claimed was the Facebook page of one officer with a pseudonym and asked people to help confirm it.

Police said Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, smacked the faces of two female officers and one male officer with her bare breasts during the Wednesday night show. Officers knocked on the door of her tour bus after the performance and took her into custody in an arrest that Avenatti said left her “traumatized and rattled.”

She was booked under a 10-year-old state law known as the Community Defense Act, which says dancers at “sexually oriented” businesses are prohibited from touching customers and vice versa.

Yeah, when I first heard about the arrest yesterday there wasn’t much information and I just assumed it was related to the whole Trump situation – seemed likely she’d lied to the FBI, and they arrested her at a strip club because she is always at strip clubs these days, getting that celebrity strip dollar.

The idea that the officers planned to arrest her because they were pro-Trump is retarded, and this female police chief should be fired for even suggesting that.

nb4 – no, I was not at the club that night, regardless of what may have been reported, nor am I in any way linked to the Columbus police department.

I live in Nigeria.