Charlottesville Police Chief FORCED TO RESIGN – And Not for Touching a Woman’s Leg!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2017

In the wake of the Unite the Right rally, this monkey was claiming James Fields engaged in “premeditated terrorism” – now he stands blamed for the crash. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. 

As it turns out, Neo-Nazi White Supremacists are going to be entirely vindicated with regards to the Charlottesville rally.

In our biggest win yet, the city’s negroid police chief has been forced to resign for mismanaging the situation and creating a crisis that resulted in a serious car accident and a helicopter crash.

He is the first casualty in the wake of the independent report on the rally, which blamed the entire thing on the city (.pdf here). With as hard as the report was on him, it’s shocking it took this long.

Of course, I don’t really believe that this negroid is who made the decision to create the chaos. I think it was the Jewish mayor, Michael Signer. But as these things go, resignations often start at the bottom and work their way up the chain of command. Firing the Negro in no way indicates that the Jew is off the hook.

Washington Post:

Charlottesville Police Chief Alfred Thomas resigned abruptly Monday, just 17 days after the release of a report that was highly critical of the police department’s handling of a white-supremacist rally in August that turned deadly in the Virginia city.

The 207-page report prepared by Timothy Heaphy, a former U.S. attorney for the Western District of Virginia, concluded that the department was ill-prepared, lacked proper training and had a flawed plan for managing the Unite the Right rally that drew hundreds of neo-Nazis and white nationalists to Charlottesville on Aug. 12 and resulted in violent clashes with counterprotesters. The lack of adequate preparation led to “disastrous results,” Heaphy wrote.

They didn’t need “proper training.” They had an army that day. We all saw it. The National Guard was there with armored trucks.

All they needed to do was keep a line of distance between demonstrators and protesters. And the only conceivable reason they didn’t do that was because they wanted chaos and death.

Thomas, an Air Force veteran who previously was chief of police in Lexington, Va., had led the Charlottesville agency since May 2016. He was the city’s first black police chief.

The review of the August rally confirmed widespread observations that police did not intervene to break up brawls on downtown streets. The passive stance, the report said, “represents a tremendous tactical failure that has real and lasting consequences.”

Heaphy said he heard from a couple of officers in the police command center that day who said Thomas told officers, “Let them fight for a little. It will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly.”


And why was he planning to declare unlawful assembly?

Surely it wasn’t his own plan.

Somebody wanted dead bodies at this thing. They wanted to be able to declare that there was a “premeditated right-wing terrorist attack,” just as the Jewish Mayor Signer did claim before the narrative fell apart.

By the way, the Charlottesville independent report does not mention “terrorism” at all. Which is frustrating, because the fact that it was called “terrorism” by the hook-nosed Mayor reveals the fact that he was involved in a conspiracy to hoax Nazi criminality.

Several hours after the rally had been declared an unlawful assembly, prosecutors say, Nazi sympathizer James Alex Fields Jr. drove his car into a crowd of counterprotesters on Fourth Street NE, killing Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old legal assistant, and injuring 35 others. Fields was charged with first-degree murder last week.

In the report, Heaphy called Heyer’s death “the most tragic manifestation of the failure to protect public safety after the event” and pointed to police decisions that left the section of the city where Heyer was struck abandoned by law enforcement.


Exactly that.

The damage done to that beautiful vehicle is on the city’s hands.

The police purposefully pulled out of the crucial center of the city, after forcing nationalists into a direct confrontation with anarchists, and left an extremely violent scene that resulted in, among other things, James Fields getting his car attacked with bats and then crashing it.

The report, commissioned by the city, was also critical of Thomas’s cooperation with the independent investigation, saying he attempted to limit access to information.

“Chief Thomas’s attempts to influence our review illustrate a deeper issue within CPD — a fear of retribution for criticism,” the report stated. “Many officers with whom we spoke expressed concern that their truthful provision of critical information about the protest events would result in retaliation from Chief Thomas.

And that implies criminality. More than that, it implies conspiracy.

Surely, this Negro did not act on his own, because of a personal plan to create chaos in the city. That is not believable.

So who was responsible?

This independent report is more than enough reason for the Department of Justice to open an investigation into the city itself. That is the obvious next step. By resigning, the police chief is admitting guilt – but guilt for what? You don’t tell your officers “let them fight” and then try to cover that up by attempting to silence the officers out of incompetence. That is “malice.”

So investigate, JEFF!

We are Already Vindicated

The report alone vindicated the Alt-Right completely. That is done.

But that is a technical vindication, given that the media did not rally to cover the report very much at all. In the eyes of the masses, we are still taking the blame.

However, when the city goes down – and it has just begun – the people will see things the way they are. The media is going to regret having gone so hard on this.

Given the fact that Donald Trump was blamed for this, he himself has a vested interest in seeing the city government go down. So following this first high-profile resignation, it is well within the realm of possibility that we will get a DoJ investigation into the Jewish conspiracy that caused the chaos of August 12th.