Chased by Moslems with Machetes and Police Don’t Want to Know

This Is England
September 9, 2015


Simmering tensions in towns and cities all over Britain are being made worse by the sheer cowardice of the police and the MSM (‘mainstream media’). Normal English people are getting increasingly angry about the way in which racist attacks on our community – especially by arrogant and violent Muslim thugs – are routinely ignored by the police and covered up by the MSM.

This post we came across on Facebook, from Rotherham resident Tracy Vicini, sums it all up. As does the fact that she posted it on 24th August but not even the local paper has mentioned one word about this potentially deadly incident, or the fact that the thugs involved are still roaming the streets with their machetes.

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Muslims and big blades are a very dangerous mix. Like the lady says, please ‘Share’ this all over so that even more people learn what’s going on. “Wake Up, England!”

Here’s Tracy’s post in full:

Thinks it’s time to go to media about Saturday night, being chased by 2 Asians with machetes isn’t that important to Rotherham police even tho it’s all on cctv they ant even bother to go to pub & look at it, they also passing book everytime we ring saying it’s a different department that’s dealing with it this is after they used the racist card saying they must have been provoked by racist comments, lmfao wot a joke I’m nearly 52 & had just finished work & was just getting in a taxi when they came running towards us shouting threats & waving machetes & my step son was inches away from being attacked by them…Yet a couple of hours b4 when Rotherham lads come back from match police were there within minutes of them getting of coach becos there ad been a scuffle, as far as I’m concerned Rotherham police are still as disgraceful today as they were years ago!!!! Pls share so people are aware that these scum bags are still out there free to do it to other people & probably won’t be stopped until they actually killed someone.