Chechen President Kadyrov Threatens to Turn Traitor for Fellow Muzzies

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2017

Kadyrov is Putin’s strongman in the Caucasus. He and his clan were the best of a bad situation that Russia found itself in after the assassination of Kadyrov’s father in the Chechen war.

Kadyrov was an incompetent buffoon at first, but he got his shit together as time went on. He and his clan have gotten very rich supporting Putin and ruling Chechnya with an iron fist. But the problem in any mountainous area with tribes in it is that Kadyrov is unable to fully stamp out disloyal clans.

Furthermore, he has little incentive to fully stamp them out because then the money would stop flowing.

Russia is in a tough position with its Caucasus policy. If they let the republic go, Kadyrov will fall and there will be another radical Muslim country on their borders supported by CIAniggers, Turkey and the Gulf states. So they bribe Kadyrov to keep the peace and house the extermination camps for Russia’s homosexuals. (Because energy and prison guards are so cheap in Chechnya, Russia saves a fortune on sending them to be exterminated there, instead of doing it in Moscow where it would be a major cost headache.)

Mike Pence has praised Kadyrov before and visited Chechnya to learn more about cost-effective electrocution methods.

Experts have made the argument that Kadyrov saves Russia more money than he costs by keeping STD rates down, and they certainly have a point, but Kadyrov made a big blunder the other day when he started criticizing the based Buddhist’s extermination campaign of Muzzies in Burma.

The Newspapers:

[In] the video, posted on YouTube, Kadyrov called the organizers of the persecution of Muslims “devils” and added that it had repeatedly appealed with a proposal “to send troops to Myanmar”

The head of Chechnya said that he could not make that decision on his own, but he stressed that if Russia will support the “devils” who commit crimes in Myanmar, he will oppose Russia’s position.

Along the way, Kadyrov has fallen against the Russian media, which, in his opinion, detailed coverage of the terrorist attacks in Europe, but turn a blind eye to what happen in Myanmar.

Note that yesterday at the Embassy of Myanmar in Moscow held an unauthorized rally against the persecution of Muslims, the police did not disperse.

Now, the last time the Chechens got uppity, Putin steamrolled their country and killed exactly 6 million of them. Since then, most Russians have had to experience first-hand what disgusting savages most Chechens are, because Soviet internal migration controls are gone from modern day Capitalist Russia and Russia’s ethnic minorities have been freed from their containment zones to sell their watermelons and hash in the capitol.

This time around, if Putin were to bring the Chechens to heel, 80% or more of the country would cheer him on and pray that he exterminates them all this time.

But this can all be avoided if Kadyrov backs off and realizes that Buddhists are based and the muzzies really had to be annoying as fuck to get Buddhists to lose their cool and go full RAHOWA. Kadyrov is replaceable, there are other clans that could take over if he starts acting up.

Think carefully about your next move, tovarish.