Cheerful British Nigger-Lovers Camp in the Street in Preparation for Royal Niggerfest

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer 
May 18, 2018

Tomorrow is the big day, Super Friends.

The bloodline that once conquered and ruled over global niggerdom as imperial masters will now mix itself with a genuine African tribesperson.

This, of course, will finally end racism forever and usher in a new age of something or other.

Fashion bloggers are fervently speculating as to whether or not the princess-to-be will walk down the aisle wearing a lip-plate.

Because of the drastic importance of this monumentally catastrophic event in human history, nigger-lovers from across the Enchanted Isles are lining up in the streets to greet the royal ginger and his pet baboon.

Let’s just hope they remember the traditional African wedding customs!

They wuz kangz.

And they shall be again.

The once and future kangz.

The Telegraph:

Royal fans committed to getting a good spot for the wedding on Saturday spent last night sleeping rough in Windsor after a tent ban meant they had to brave the elements.

Attendees were warned not to bring a tent, which did not stop some from setting up camp beds and tents on Wednesday night.

Many had nothing but a sleeping bag, roll mat or camping chair – but luckily for the well-wishers, it is not scheduled to rain before the event.

Some said it was a shame they are not allowed to bring tents due to security reasons.

“We nearly froze to death last night,” said Bernadette Christie, a pensioner who arrived from Canada in plenty of time to get a spot outside the castle gates in order to watch Saturday’s spectacle.

“I was told by an officer I could not put my tent up. He didn’t explain why, but I guess it’s because it might get in the way. Perhaps they don’t want us to look like homeless people after all the fuss that was made about getting them off the streets.

“I can’t see why we couldn’t be allowed and then just take them down first thing in the morning. What would be the harm in that?”

Dianne Donohue, 69, who came down from Leek, Staffordshire, with her daughter Emma, 41, said:

“We had to sleep under the stars and it was freezing. We weren’t too happy about it.”


Spare me the trivialities of your meaningless lives, ladies.

You are being given the privilege of witnessing the dawn of a new age!

You think this wedding is happenstance? That the ginger prince simply has some weird fetish for middle-aged negresses?

No, my dear, fat, stupid old woman.

This is part of a much deeper solidification of ties between Britain and Africa… and soon, they will share their technology with us!

It won’t be long before you’re jetting about in an African-engineered rocket car, so shut your mouth about the tents, wench!

Of course, there is high security at the event – because you know how black weddings can get.

Or maybe they’re just afraid some of our other NEW DIVERSE FRIENDS AND COUNTRYMEN will try to bomb the fucking thing.

Anyway, blacks or Moslems – the presence of either or both requires heaps of rooftop snipers and military on the street in full camo.

Heaps, m8.

Plus river cops – on the prowl for the elusive Aquahaji.


Or maybe they’re just hunting gators – idk.

Daily Mail:

Snipers are on rooftops today with soldiers and armed police patrolling the streets below as a £30million ring of steel today surrounds Windsor Castle ahead of the royal wedding.

Police, the Army and undercover members of the security services are ready ‘do whatever is necessary’ to prevent any attack on Harry and Meghan’s big day, including shooting to kill.

The 2.6-mile route the couple will travel from St George’s Chapel to Windsor Castle is lined with sharpshooters on top of buildings and other vantage points. Specialist teams are also patrolling the Thames.

Police and soldiers carrying automatic weapons will also line the streets ready to fire if necessary and are already patrolling the roads, which have crash barriers used to stop vehicle-based terror attacks.

While paramilitary forces are shooting to kill all the people who apparently want to bomb this niggerfest…

Prince Harry has promised to sing “Shoot to Thrill” at the reception.

Meghan Markle is reportedly mad about this choice, saying “muffugguh wudda fug u fuggn betch fink, u no da betch caint twirk ta dem sheeeeeeet.”

She reportedly stabbed him twice over the disagreement, then drowned several infants before running up and down the streets naked holding nothing but a crack pipe.

Markle recently amused the queen by smoking crack in front of her and then throwing a dog out the window of the royal palace.

Tomorrow is bound to be a beautiful, vibrant event.

May the sun never set on the Wakandan Empire.