Cheerios Once Again Promoting Bestiality in Ad

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

February 1, 2014

I have nothing personally against this ape baby.  She is indeed very cute.  I hope her only the best, after she is repatriated to Africa.
I have nothing personally against this ape baby. She is indeed very cute. I wish her only the best, after she is repatriated to her homeland in Africa.

In a clear attempt to trigger the already disgruntled denizens of the internet, and use the ensuring drama to bring attention to their unhealthy GMO wheat-based product, Cheerios has released a second advertisement featuring a White woman engaged in bestiality with a Negro, to be played at the Super Bowl.

The ad features the same gross couple and kinky-haired child as were featured in last year’s bestiality ad, which caused such outrage that its comments section on YouTube had to be closed.

Responding to the backlash, many mixed race families came out to support Cheerios for endorsing their unnatural and destructive lifestyle.
Responding to the backlash, many mixed race families came out to support Cheerios for endorsing their unnatural and destructive lifestyle.

Adding a layer to the drama, MSNBC posted on their official Twitter account that the “rightwing” was going to hate the disgusting portrayal of a woman destroying hundreds of thousands of years of positive breeding by taking into her body the seed of a primitive simian.

MSNBC was admonished for saying something I wish were true.
MSNBC was admonished for saying something I wish were true.

Perhaps the most disgusting aspect of all of this is that the “rightwing” Republicans have responded by crying about how they are “not racist,” the head of the RNC complaining about the Tweet and implying that the party really loves the idea of White women destroying their genetic heritage by breeding with Negros.

MSNBC has since apologized for the Tweet, but I would like an apology from the RNC, in which they explicitly state that no, the White Christian base of America does not like the idea of White women mixing their blood with Negros.  Though I won’t hold my breath.

The cultural Marxists have succeeded in formulating the narrative that a desire to preserve the White race as a unique and sovereign people is objectively bad, while the promotion of the destruction of the White race is objectively good.  Thus, in order to portray themselves as good, and not bad, the Republicans have been compelled to come out and say “no, you’re wrong – we also want to destroy the White race!”

When the real life parents of the child actor in the commercial were featured on MSNBC with the girl, the child had to be continually fed bananas to keep her from climbing up and swinging from the rafters.
When the real life parents of the child actor in the commercial were featured on MSNBC with the girl, the child had to be continually fed bananas to keep her from climbing up and swinging from the rafters in the studio.  Notice the mother looking to the left – she is signaling for another banana, while the father is seeing the banana, and requesting one himself.

I would offer that the majority of White Americans who identify as conservative still understand that a White female-Black male relationship is fundamentally wrong, degrading and damaging to society.  Along with the obvious physical danger the woman is placing herself in, blacks being more than twelve times more likely to kill their wife and three times more likely to kill a White wife than a black one, on an instinctive, subconscious level, the average, not fully indoctrinated (read: working class) White recognizes that we are lowering our society by destroying our ancestral genetic heritage, mixing it with that of a lesser species.

By so flagrantly abandoning the core of White America and endorsing this new Marxist morality, the Republican establishment is leaving open the door for a brand new political movement which dismisses the softness on race, gender roles, homosexuality and immigrant ion, adopting policies which appeal to the masses on an instinctual level.