“Chez Nous”: Publicly-Financed Anti-Front National Film Released Just Before French Elections

Diversity Macht Frei
February 22, 2017

I’ve written a lot about how pro-diversity themes are being covertly and overtly embedded in our cinematic fictions (link), but not usually this directly. This is nothing less than a silver screen hit piece on the Front National, its release timed perfectly for maximum damaging effect just before the French election season. There is barely even an attempt to disguise the propagandistic intent. The leader of the “far-right” party in the film, known as the “Patriotic Bloc”, just happens to be a middle-aged blonde woman who looks like Marine Le Pen.

You might say “Well, free speech and all that”, but it’s not that simple. Almost all European cinema is subsidised by the state in some way, including this film. In France, there are government agencies that subsidise films with approved “pro-diversity” messages (link). In Britain, film-makers must show a commitment to diversity to be eligible for funding (link). So this is, in effect, state-financed propaganda designed to attack political rivals.

It looks like the Euronews embed doesn’t work properly. Go to their site (link) and see the clip there.