Chicago: After 2016’s 63% Increase in Murders, DOJ Says Cops Violated Civil Rights

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 13, 2017

Ms. Loretta Lynch also recently investigated a bucket of KFC, and found that it wasn’t crispy enough.

You’d think after a 63% increase in murder in a year’s time, people would be saying “wow, Chicago needs more policing.”

Instead, the Negroid-run Department of Justice is saying the opposite. They are saying that Chicago policed too much last year, and they need to back off.

Fox News:

Chicago police violated the Fourth Amendment through a “pattern or practice of use of excessive force,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced Friday, revealing the results of a wide-ranging investigation that the city’s former top cop called biased from the start.

The Justice Dept. launched its review of the 12,000-officer force — one of the nation’s largest — in December 2015 after the release of dashcam video showing a white police officer shoot a black teenager, Laquan McDonald, 16 times as he walked away holding a small, folded knife. The video of the 2014 shooting, which the city fought to keep from being released, triggered widespread protests.

Among other findings, the report determined city police used excessive force and that “this pattern is largely attributable to systemic deficiencies within CPD and the City.” It also cited insufficient training and a failure to hold bad officers accountable.

“The resulting deficit in trust and accountability is not just bad for residents — it’s also bad for dedicated police officers trying to do their jobs safely and effectively,” Lynch told reporters during a news conference.

Former Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy told Fox News the Justice Dept. never interviewed him for its report, even though he was on the force until late-2015. Speaking to “America’s Newsroom,” he suggested it was because “my narrative doesn’t fit what they want to say.”

McCarthy said the actions of police were not to blame for Chicago’s skyrocketing violent crime rate. Last year saw nearly 750 murders across the city, more than 650 of them shootings.

Under President Obama, the Justice Dept. has conducted 25 civil rights investigations of police departments, including those of Cleveland, Baltimore and Seattle, among others. The release of a report is one step in a long process that, in recent years, has typically led to bilateral talks between the Justice Department and a city, followed by an agreed upon police-reform plan that’s enforceable by a federal judge.

I, for one, support this theory that there is too much policing in Chicago.

I think all police should simply leave the city.

Clearly, the theory is that Negroes only commit crime because cops exist. That is a theory that needs tested.

So let’s get rid of cops in Chicago, now.