Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 25, 2015
Another day and another idiot Black drama hoax spurred on by the government and the Jew media.
For shame.
A white Chicago policeman was charged with murdering a black teenager on Tuesday, hours before authorities released a graphic video showing the youth walking away from officers as he is shot 16 times.
The footage of last year’s shooting, taken from a camera mounted on the dashboard of a police car and made public under orders from a judge, prompted mostly peaceful street demonstrations in Chicago.
The clip showed 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, who authorities said was carrying a pocket knife and had the hallucinogenic drug PCP in his system, as he was gunned down in the middle of a street on Oct. 20, 2014.
So, during the confrontation with the police, he was armed with a deadly weapon and on a drug known for making people act out in violent ways.
But what we must remember is that he a good boy. He be go at da skoo.

Strange how often it happens that the only pictures released of these unarmed teens are in their graduation uniforms. Don’t they have Obamaphones, with cameras?
McDonald is seen jogging away from patrol vehicles pursuing him from behind, and then veering off diagonally at a walk as two more officers pull up in a squad car ahead of him.
Two policemen are shown jumping out of their vehicle in the center of the road, and drawing their weapons while advancing toward McDonald, who continues to move away. Within seconds he is struck by bullets, spins and crumples to the ground, his body jerking as he is hit by additional rounds of gunfire.
Officer Jason Van Dyke is the first Chicago police officer charged with murder for an on-duty incident in decades.
There is definitely a time in history where people would have said “well, maybe this guy shouldn’t have been fleeing the police and causing chaos on the streets.”
Those days are over. Now, cops are scrutinized for every single action they take, as if those doing the scrutinizing would have known exactly what to do if they had been in that exact situation.

This guy is getting charged with first degree murder – that is defined as “willful and premeditated.”
Cook County’s chief prosecutor, Anita Alvarez, acknowledged that she timed the filing of the first-degree murder charge against Van Dyke to precede the video’s disclosure in a bid to mute harsh public reaction to the footage.
“With release of this video it’s really important for public safety that the citizens of Chicago know that this officer is being held responsible for his actions,” she said.
Authorities, including Mayor Rahm Emanuel, appealed for calm as the city hoped to avert the turmoil over race and the use of lethal police force that has shaken much of the United States for more than a year.
Hundreds of protesters gathered after dark a few miles east of the site of the shooting. They marched through the streets chanting: “You don’t get to kill us and tell us how to feel. You don’t get to shoot us and tell us how to heal.”
But you get to kill non-stop on the streets and tell us you’re oppressed because you ran from the cops.
The video, and prosecutors’ account of the shooting, contradicted assertions by Van Dyke’s lawyers and the police union that the shooting was justified because Van Dyke felt threatened by the youth.
Prosecutors said Van Dyke fired the shots within 30 seconds of arriving at the scene, and just six seconds after emerging from his patrol car, emptying his gun at McDonald and preparing to reload. McDonald was hit by 16 rounds, all from Van Dyke’s weapon, the prosecutors added.
Well, maybe he shouldn’t have been running from the cops, huh?
But don’t forget – he was a good boy, turning his life around.
McDonald was particularly close to his grandmother, Goldie Hunter, and was in her care until she died last year. His daily life seemed to unravel after her death.
Just a couple of days before McDonald’s deadly encounter with the Chicago officer, DCFS had given custody of McDonald and his sister to an uncle.
“The uncle had a live-in girlfriend, and the sister had spent the night away from home,” said the source familiar with this case. “When she came back the next morning, the girlfriend wouldn’t let her back in the house.
“DCFS came and took the sister and was trying to take Laquan. For the third time, he was made a ward of the state. It was a pretty upsetting thing.”
McDonald’s mother was trying to regain custody, but the issue was still up in the air at the time of his death.
“We were making great strides with this kid,” said a social worker, speaking only on the condition of anonymity because she isn’t authorized to speak to reporters. “We had started to turn this kid around. He had just worked a summer job and went to school every day. After the summer job ended, he went out and found another job.”
There were other signs that McDonald was getting his life on track.
“Laquan came in with one of our programs that deals with wards of the state,” said Thomas Gattuso, principal of Sullivan House, a 40-year-old alternative school that Gattusso says shouldn’t be confused with a school for troubled youth. “We give students a second chance., a chance they didn’t have. They want to come to school. They want to be here.
“What struck me the most is that Laquan came to school all the time,” Gattuso said. “He probably would have graduated within a year and a half.”
Unfortunately, all that most people have heard about McDonald is that he had PCP in his system that night he was shot and that he was carrying a small knife.
There was another side to this teenager who kept trying to find the light despite all the darkness and the disappointments he suffered in his life.
So what to do about these good boys in Chicago getting shot on their way to school?
We’re going to have to do the whole city Baltimore-style.
Baltimore has proved that if you just stop policing the Blacks, they stop committing crimes.