Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 12, 2014

Don’t let these pie charts fool you – this has nothing to do with race. This is all due to socio-economic something or other, and also due to White racism. Mainly, it is due to White racism.
The black man cannot get ahead, what with these Whites holding him down, keeping all the gibsmedats for himself, while the black man is forced to find his own gibsmedats in the homes of Whites, or on their person, because all of the gibsmedats that the government gives him are used up as he is trying to get ahead.
The Asians already have lots of gibsmedats because of socio-economics or something, and maybe they have wizard powers somehow or whatever. This has nothing to do with genetics, which are a pseudo-science created by White racists to make black people look bad.
It is an obvious scientific fact that if you take one group of people from an advanced and developed culture on one continent, and cannibals living in mud huts on another continent and move both groups to the same continent, they will behave in exactly the same way, unless the racism comes upon them.