Chicago: Former Top Cop Blames Black Lives Matter for Rising Murder Rate

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 3, 2017

These are not controversial statements.

It is simply a fact that if it were not for the Obama administration’s embrace of the idea that cops who shoot black people in self-defense should be prosecuted for murder, the murder rate in these black cities wouldn’t be on the verge of doubling.

It’s called “the Ferguson Effect.”

NY Daily News:

Chicago’s disgraced top cop thinks Black Lives Matter is to blame for his city’s sharp surge in violence.

Garry McCarthy — who served as the superintendent of the Chicago Police Department for over four years before getting fired in 2015 — went on “The Cats Roundtable” radio show on New Year’s Day and accused police brutality protesters of creating a “political atmosphere of anti-police sentiment.”

“So what’s happening, and this is ironic, is that a movement with the goal of saving black lives at this point is getting black lives taken, because 80 percent of our murder victims here in Chicago are male blacks,” said McCarthy, a Bronx native who served as the NYPD’s deputy commissioner of operations before eventually moving over to Chicago.

Rather than spotlighting an issue, McCarthy claimed Black Lives Matter is encouraging young people to not comply with police.

McCarthy was canned from the Chicago Police in December 2015 after it became clear that his department had for over a year withheld dash cam footage from the fatal police-involved shooting of Laquan McDonald. McDonald, an unarmed black 17-year-old, was shot more than a dozen times while walking away from officers in October 2014, but cops initially claimed he was charging at them with a knife.

After getting fired, McCarthy admitted that the circumstances surrounding McDonald’s death were “problematic,” but claimed he didn’t discipline the officers involved, or release the damning footage, since “that’s the law.”

I disagree with it being “ironic.”

It isn’t. Because the purpose of BLM was never to save black lives, it was to attack whites.

Blacks don’t care if other blacks die. Because black lives simply don’t matter. They know that better than anyone.