Chicago Suing Jussie Smollett for Cost of the Investigation of His Hoax

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2019

This really brings attention to why “reparations” is such a stupid idea.

Black people already cost us insane amounts of money every day. There is simply no way to spin the claim that the import of African slaves has been a net economic benefit for America.

It never ends with these apes.


While Cook County prosecutors may have let Empire actor Jussie Smollett off for allegedly staging a hate crime against himself, one legal expert predicts the city of Chicago could still cause him major issues.

Chicago officials last Thursday announced plans to file a civil lawsuit against Jussie Smollett for the cost of the investigation into his purported racist and anti-gay attack after he refused to meet a week-long deadline to repay roughly $130,000. According to high-profile Chicago-area attorney Karen Conti, the city’s lawsuit is the actor’s “worst nightmare.”

“The evidence would likely be unsealed and the case could drag out 4 years,” Conti said. “We’re gonna get the facts that we haven’t gotten thus far.”

“The city wants its pound of flesh,” she added.

Conti made her remarks in a statement to Fox 32 reporter Rafer Weigel.

The Chicago Police Department charges that Smollett, who is African-American and gay, told officers on January 29th that two masked men beat him, sprayed him with an unknown chemical substance, and looped a thin noose around his neck in downtown Chicago. He also told police the assailants yelled: “This is MAGA country!” before fleeing the scene.

Despite a slew of evidence collected by police, Cook County prosecutors last month dropped all 16 felony charges against Smollett, citing his previous community service at Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow-PUSH coalition. The shock decision infuriated Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who blasted the move as a “whitewash” and accused the actor of dragging the city’s reputation “through the mud.”

Cook County’s top prosecutor Kim Foxx is facing calls from the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police to resign over her office’s handling of the case.

Meanwhile, an attorney for Smollett responded to the request for repayment with threats of their own legal actions.

“In light of their apparent vested interest in the matter, we are confident that Mayor Emanuel and Superintendent Johnson will not object to providing their testimony under oath,” attorney Mark Geragos wrote in a letter to the city’s corporation counsel Edward Siskel. “Mr. Smollett’s preference remains, however, that this matter be closed and that he be allowed to move on with his life.”

The worst part about all of this is that he wasn’t ever even forced to admit he hoaxed it.

Which probably also means that a lawsuit can’t be won against him. A civil suit can technically prove a crime happened, but since the prosecutor dropped the charges, he can just keep saying he didn’t do anything and that the prosecutor’s decision is evidence of that.

Kim Foxx was out there defending herself this week from calls for her to resign.

I’m very glad they let Jussie off.

The fact that they let him off completely instead of saying “okay well, just say sorry and then do fake community service” means that this thing is going to be in the media for a long time to come.

This is a wake-up call to the stupid goyim of the future that awaits them when the justice system is controlled by brown people. They are not ever going to prosecute one another. It is just going to be an endless situation of “he ain’t even did nothing.”