Chicago: Top Terrorist Jew Manipulator Abner Mikva Finally Dead

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 5, 2016


Abner Mikva is a perfect example of the stranglehold the dirty Jews had on the US following WWII.

A true Kingmaker figure. Like something out of the Old Testament.

And now he’s dead.

Washington Post:

Abner J. Mikva, a liberal titan of law and politics who served as a U.S. congressman from Illinois, a federal judge in Washington and White House counsel to President Bill Clinton, and who was an early mentor to future president Barack Obama, died July 4 at a hospice center in Chicago. He was 90.

The cause was complications from bladder cancer, said a son-in-law, Steven Cohen.

Once described by the New York Times as “the Zelig of the American legal scene,” Mr. Mikva held high office in all three branches of government.

He wielded influence beyond his official capacities, offering judicial clerkships to future U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, who accepted, and to Obama, then a recent Harvard Law School graduate, who declined and opted instead to return to Chicago, where he eventually launched his political career.

“This guy really has brass,” Mr. Mikva recalled thinking.

Described as a father figure to Obama, Mr. Mikva connected the young politician with other power brokers who would help pave his way in public life.

In 2014, Obama awarded Mr. Mikva the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country’s highest civilian honor, recognizing him as “one of the greatest jurists of his time,” who “helped shape the national debate on some of the most challenging issues of the day.”

In your base.

Shaping your culture.

Mr. Mikva, who clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sherman Minton, soon threw himself into Chicago politics and positioned himself as a liberal, independent-minded reformer against one of the most entrenched party organizations in modern American history.In 1956, he won election to the Illinois House of Representatives and proved a shrewd and collaborative politician at the statehouse, working effectively on social- reform bills dealing with crime, civil rights, health care and other issues.

Twelve years later, he captured a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives after dislodging an 86-year-old incumbent Democrat, Barratt O’Hara, from his district on the South Side of Chicago.

You can read his Wikipedia page for more info. He was a very big Jew.

It’s well worth celebrating the deaths of these old Jewish parasites.

They are clearing out.

The new Jews replacing Jews like this aren’t nearly as capable.

And we are rising.


The future belongs to Mecha-Hitler.