Chicago Tribal Warfare: A Bullet Came Through the Window

Modern Heretic
July 22, 2014

Chicago face-palm.

What has fifty-plus years of negro appeasement accomplished? Destruction of a nation, tribal warfare, ruined cities, racially motivated attacks on Whites, worthless currency, the election of corrupt politicians via racial headcounts, and a general downward spiral. African all against all has come to our cities. The obvious solutions are off the table. We’re going to keep trying to wish away the genetic differences, the inherent inferiority of this failed race.

The brown bodies keep piling up. When the Whites have left, fleeing racial violence, this is what remains. Endless night, the fire of civilization smothered.

Chicago Tribune:

The bullet crashed through the wall of the bedroom and struck the 11-year-old in the head. She was rushed to Mount Sinai Hospital, where family kept an overnight vigil until the girl was pronounced dead at 7:33 a.m. today.

The collateral content of their character damage. Simian shootouts in a dead nation.

“They came out and told us she wasn’t going to make it,” Shamiya’s grandmother said. “Oh, my God.”

They came out and told us the U.S.S.A. wasn’t going to make it.

As the night wore on, about 40 people joined hands outside the hospital, forming a circle and praying. “Just be with us, God. We need you now,” one woman pleaded as a black SUV filled with police rolled past. “We need you now like never before.”

God as a bellhop to be called upon when needed. The rest of the time it’s sodomy, materialism, miscegenation, false religions, etc.


“They heard shots and a bullet came through the window.”

At the hospital, community activist Andrew Holmes urged the public to call authorities with information about the shooting. “We don’t want these perpetrators on the street to rest nowhere tonight.”

Our next president?

Earlier, a 12-year-old girl was wounded, one of more than 20 people wounded over 12 hours Friday and early Saturday in Chicago.

“Busy Season” continues with the same predictable savagery, over and over.

A 30-year-old man was killed in the Austin neighborhood about 3 a.m. He was found in the front seat of a car, shot in the neck, back and shoulder in an alley next to Laramie Avenue just north of Madison Street. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Another case of a “sitting in a car gone wrong.”

Young Obama.

A 15-year-old boy was shot in the West Englewood neighborhood about 12:50 a.m. He was sitting in a parked car, in the 7000 block of South Winchester Avenue, when someone in a passing white van opened fire, police said. The boy was taken to Holy Cross Hospital with an arm wound.

Future chemist, rapper, neurosurgeon or basketball player turning his life around nearly ended by the danger of sitting in that “whip” while in a tribal war zone.

Four men were shot in the 1300 block of North Mason Avenue in the North Austin neighborhood about 11:30 p.m. All four took themselves to hospitals.

You’ll get the bill for all four, Whitey.

About 11:20 p.m. someone shot a 25-year-old man in the ankle near Haddon Street and Long Avenue on the West Side. He was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital. Police said he had been sitting on a porch when two men approached and at least one started shooting.

Not a lot of “stereotypes” being defied here.

About 5:50 p.m., a 33-year-old man was wounded in both legs in the 3800 block of West Wabansia Avenue, Zala said. The man walked into the St. Elizabeth campus of Sts. Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center, although he was possibly transferred to Stroger.

Who knows what amazing adventures this “man” will have between now and the time it finally is fatally shot by its fellow animals or it gets sent to the “over-crowded” prison.

A bloated White careerist, a mystery meat and a dyke clean up the negro mess.