Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 28, 2015

Following the most recent shootings of unarmed teens in Chicago, Jewish mayor Rahm Emmanuel is calling for serious restrictions on police.
Two more shooting deaths by Chicago police are prompting swift action by the mayor — as well as by residents who want the mayor to go.
The latest upheaval came after Chicago police fatally shot Bettie Jones, 55, and Quintonio LeGrier, 19, while answering a call about a domestic disturbance.
But Jones, a mother of five, shouldn’t have been shot at all, police say. She was “accidentally struck and tragically killed” by an officer.
And many question the shooting of LeGrier, who police say was charging toward them with an aluminum baseball bat. CNN affiliate WLS reported that LeGrier’s family said he suffered from a mental illness, though his mother disputed that.
On Sunday night, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel ordered changes in how city police officers are trained to handle calls involving people who may have mental health problems.
“There are serious questions about yesterday’s shootings that must be answered in full by the Independent Police Review Authority’s investigation,” Emanuel said.
“While their investigation is underway, we must also make real changes within our police department today and it is clear changes are needed to how officers respond to mental health crises.”
Emanuel, under fire for a series of fatal police shootings, directed the department and the leaders of the independent Police Review Authority and the police department to meet immediately to “determine the deficiencies in the current training, and determine what steps can be taken immediately to address them.”
But that may not be enough to quell protesters Monday. Demonstrators will march from the family church of Laquan McDonald — another teen killed by Chicago police — to Chicago’s City Hall, where they will demand Emanuel’s resignation.
This is the first case I’m aware of since this whole BLM crap started where an actual innocent person was killed by cops. And the cops who did it were almost certainly Black, or they would have already announced “White officers.” But it doesn’t matter – half the cops charged in the Baltimore Freddie Gray case are Black.
Chicago is a warzone. Just imagine this situation here – a Black with a baseball bat charging the cops. This is DRC-tier.

Restricting the police ability to deal with this situation is going to make it intensify, drastically. We saw this in Baltimore, after Freddie Gray – they had the highest murder rate this year in the entire history of the city.
And Chicago will be worse than Baltimore.
It was just a year and a half ago Chicago Blacks were calling for more police, saying the situation was like the Middle East.
It just goes to show, you can redirect Black people’s thoughts anywhere you want them to go. How can they not instinctively realize that when you have these cops in the role of military police patrolling a warzone, eventually someone is going to get shot by one of them?
Chicago is a huge city, and when it goes into full-Africa mode after the cops are pulled off the streets, it may be a wake-up call to America that this situation is insane.
It isn’t difficult to solve – you just force the media and government to stop telling these people they are victims. They will easily accept that they are not victims. They will literally accept whatever you tell them to believe.