Chief Black Faggot-Lover to Sign Executive Order to Give Queers Special Rights

Daily Stormer
June 18, 2014

"Dey bee lyks to du dat dik up in dey azz.  We nees bees gibs dem dees spegel rites, dawg." -Barack Obama on how men who stick their penises in other men's buttholes deserve special rights for engaging in this act
“Dey bee lyks to du dat dik up in dey azz. We nees bees gibs dem dees spegel rites, dawg.” -Barack Obama on how men who stick their penises in other men’s buttholes deserve special rights for engaging in this act
Unsurprisingly, the Chief Black Faggot-Lover, who is suspected of himself being a complete and utter faggot, is planning on signing a special Executive Order to protect the supposed rights of the faggots.

Because oh my God. Their poor little feelings.

LA Times:

President Obama plans to sign an executive order forbidding companies that do business with the federal government from discriminating against employees on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, fulfilling a goal that gay rights organizations have sought for years.

Currently, no federal law bans discrimination against gay and transgender individuals. Twenty-one states, including California and Illinois, and the District of Columbia bar discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, but in the remaining 29 states, employers are free to fire, demote or otherwise discriminate against workers solely on the basis of sexual orientation.

Obama had tried for the last several years to get Congress to pass an antidiscrimination law that would apply to most employers in the country. But with those efforts going nowhere, he has now directed his staff to draft an executive order that would ban discrimination by federal contractors, White House officials said Monday.

Because companies that do business with the government make up about a fifth of the U.S. workforce, gay rights advocates say the change could provide employment protections for about 11 million workers whose rights are not protected under state laws.

Beyond the practical impact, the executive order, putting discrimination against gays and lesbians in the same category as racial or gender discrimination, marks another symbolic milestone for gay rights activists. An executive order by President Lyndon B. Johnson forbidding contractors from discriminating on the basis of race was a major element of the civil rights enforcement efforts of his administration.

It just never ends, does it?