Child Mutilator Hiding Results of Her Own Study on Puberty Blockers

Johanna Olson-Kennedy, child mutilator

It seems like anyone doing one of these studies would know to rig the study.

No one can possibly think any element of this child tranny thing is good. They are either Jewish or they are a doctor scamming money.

But this is a government-funded study, so you have to take the opportunity to scam the government. It’s too much money.

Daily Caller:

A doctor studying the effects of puberty-blocking drugs on children is reportedly withholding publishing data because the findings may be used by critics who support bans on the procedure.

Doctor Johanna Olson-Kennedy, a leading physician at one of the country’s largest youth gender clinics, led a two-year federally funded study in 2015 that followed 95 children receiving hormone blockers as part of sex-change procedures to monitor changes in mental health, according to The New York Times. Olson-Kennedy reportedly feared that in light of recent attempts to limit the procedure, the results of the study showing no improvement to mental health outcomes may reveal that “we shouldn’t use blockers because it doesn’t impact [the kids],” according to the NYT.

See – surely, she knew that?

If you’re not going to do a fake study, don’t do the study. It’s the same rules as global warming research or investigations into the Ukraine/Israel wars.

“I do not want our work to be weaponized,” Olson-Kennedy told the NYT. “It has to be exactly on point, clear and concise. And that takes time.”

The doctor argued that the findings of the study were neutral because the kids were “in really good shape when they come in, and they’re in really good shape after two years,” but earlier published findings from the study reveal that at the beginning of the study, roughly one-quarter of children reported symptoms of depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation, while nearly 8% had previously attempted suicide. The study did not show improved trends, Olson-Kennedy told the NYT.

Yeah, they’d have to be a lot worse.

I guess she did fake the study, but she just didn’t fake it hard enough.

“…this idea that a 14- or 15-year-old would want a vagina, they identified as a girl, is really not that out there, it’s actually pretty understandable.”

This is what happens when you hire a woman to do a Jew’s job.

Dr. Olson-Kennedy hypothesized that the study would reveal hormone blockers “decreased symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma symptoms, self-injury, and suicidality, and increased body esteem and quality of life over time,” in the children, but insisted the results did not show the expected improvements because the kids had “good mental health on average,” according to the NYT.

“They’re not in any concerning ranges, either at the beginning or after two years,” she told the NYT.

Olson-Kennedy is a staunch advocate for sex-change treatment for youth, testifying in favor of the practice in multiple lawsuits.

The study cost taxpayers $9.7 million, the NYT reported.

Around 121,882 children ages 6 to 17 were treated for “gender dysphoria” from 2017 to 2021, increasing by 70% from 2020 to 2021, according to Reuters. At least 4,780 minors have been put on puberty blockers within that time frame.

Yeah, it’s a horror show.

If humanity actually survives the end of this American system, imagine how history is going to look at this. Surely, it’s the worst thing that’s ever happened. It’s a lot worse than child sacrifice. In a sacrifice, you just kill the person. In this case, you systematically mutilate them until they kill themselves.

Very dark stuff.

Same doctor, explaining why chopping your tits off is no big deal because you can implant bags of silicone in your chest later in life