Childlike Francecucks Attack Valls for Telling Them to Get Used to Terrorism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 19, 2016

The French population is a bunch of little babies.


French Prime Minister Manuel Valls was booed this morning as he attended a memorial event for the victims of the Bastille Day attack.

Mr Valls was attending a minute’s silence in the city of Nice when the large crowd vented their anger at him, loudly jeering when he appeared alongside other politicians.

The reaction comes after he told the French public to “learn to live with terrorism” following the country’s 12th Islamist incident since January 2015.

He said on Friday: “Times have changed and we should learn to live with terrorism. We have to show solidarity and collective calm. France has been hit in its soul on the 14 July, our national day.

“They wanted to attack the unity of the French nation.”

Numerous videos show the crowd loudly booing Mr Valls, with some shouting insults at the Prime Minister and calling for his resignation.

Jew-Wife Valls is about as horrible as any politician in the Western world, but even I had to salute him for telling the Francecucks to get used to terrorism.

These people live in a total fantasyland.

How on earth are you supposed to stop random Moslems from running people over with a truck?

They already have soldiers on the streets everywhere and a massive 1984-style spying apparatus.

Basically, at this point the next step would be putting computer chips in people’s brains to monitor their thoughts, or perhaps some kind of Minority Report-style future-prediction system.


The French are also bombing Syria, claiming this will stop domestic terrorism somehow. Meanwhile, virtually all intelligence analysts the world over have admitted that there is going to be more terrorism in the West as ISIS loses territory in the Middle East.


What are the other options?

Oh, right – ending multiculturalism.

Revoking citizenships, sending them all back.


But the French don’t want that, because that would result in them being called “racists” by the Jews – which is something that they simply cannot tolerate.

So shut your mouths, you faggots. Get run over by trucks, get shot in the streets, get your balls cut off and shoved down your throats. This is the consequence for not being called racists by Jews – so stop whining about it like a bunch of little babies.

Adult decisions have adult consequences.