Children’s Clothing Company Attempts to Usher in a New Holocaust with Dresses Containing Six-Pointed Stars

The Germans have always been a productive people, as World War II tragically proved.

During this shameful period in European history, those vengeful yet efficient krauts gassed, incinerated and cannibalized six million of Germany’s most flawless Jews – then hired necromancers to reanimate the corpses so that they could do it all over again.

Because they hated the size of their noses.

While the Germans have learned their lesson since World War II and now imprison citizens who don’t believe that 130% of Germany’s Jewish population perished in the Holocaust, the disease of anti-Semitism still lingers in the wider Western world – even within the walls of its most successful companies.

The latest company to signal to the world that the Holocaust is “unfinished business” is Gymboree, an American children’s clothing chain that decided to add yellow stars (in the form of red snowflakes) onto dresses intended for toddlers.

Jerusalem Post:

Children’s clothing shop Gymboree has sparked outrage among Jewish customers by offering a dress for toddlers bearing a star reminiscent of the patch Jews were made to wear in Nazi Europe.

The red-star-like symbol sewn above the left breast of the plaid dress is actually a snowflake. But one customer who was browsing the Gymboree website on Thursday said she “immediately felt sick as it reminded me so much of the patches worn by Jewish people during the Holocaust.”

Sophie Joy Cohen posted an image of the dress on Facebook alongside a Holocaust-era picture of a Jewish family wearing yellow star patches, to highlight the similarity between the shape and placement of the badge.

Her post drew additional reactions of anger and disbelief that the store would sell such an item, and Cohen and several others expressed their intentions to petition the store, whose corporate headquarters are located in San Francisco.

Their actions appear to have been effective, as a search for the item on the Gymboree website on Sunday produced an “image not found” notice.

Gymboree has not yet responded to a Jerusalem Post request for comment.

Truly shocking stuff.

Unfortunately, I can see this kind of passive-aggressive anti-Semitism becoming increasingly common in the United States over the coming years. President Trump’s fascist administration has radicalized Americans and American-owned businesses to such an extent that they now think that mocking the historical plight of Jews is acceptable.

Has Gymboree one iota of compassion for the hundreds of thousands of Jewish newborns that were bayoneted by blond-haired Nazis between 1941 and 1945?

Does Gymboree care about the feelings of the millions of Jews who managed to survive the gas chambers of Auschwitz, despite having been killed twice or more?

No, of course not. In fact, I think it’s pretty clear that the company’s long-term goal is to create a second Shoah, and that the yellow stars (sorry, “red snowflakes”) on these dresses are a thinly-veiled attempt at identifying its future victims.

Dark times are ahead for America’s Jewish population…