Children’s Jewsade: Ninnying Brats March for Jewish Gun Control!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 14, 2018

The Jews have taken to using children in their Crusade – or perhaps I should say Jewsade – against the white race.

The whole idea is that they send these little brats out and then anyone who calls them brats is accused of “attacking children.” That’s what they did with David “Hogg Me Up Scotty” Hogg and it didn’t work, people just got mad when they were told that they weren’t allowed to fire back at attacks because of his age. Fundamentally, people saw how dishonest the entire thing was and just started accusing Hogg of being a CIA black ops agent.

But now I guess their thought is “well if it’s a whole bunch of children, there’s no way they’ll be able to criticize our attempt to strip the goyim of their only means of defense against our oppression.”

Well, it’s not happening.

I think Trump should send the National Guard out to go full Kent State on these nerdly little twerps.

I’ll tell you, if I was president “it is better to be feared than loved” is a motto that would be taken to cartoonish levels.

NBC News:

They solemnly spilled onto the high school football field, holding signs protesting gun violence and wearing shirts that read “March for our lives.” They waved at a crowd of onlookers who had gathered to show support.

Exactly one month after 17 people were killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, survivors of the massacre joined tens of thousands of students across the U.S. by walking out of school on Wednesday morning.

The mass protests were held at 10 a.m. local time in each time zone and lasted 17 minutes, one for each of the Parkland victims. Organizers said the purpose was to highlight “Congress’ inaction against the gun violence plaguing our schools and neighborhoods.”

Yeah, I think they have been inactive on that topic too.

The solution is called: “GET ON THE BOAT, NIGGER! SHOW’S OVER! TIME TO GO HOME!”

The idea that something other than “black people” is the primary cause of violence in this country is so absurd that any high school girl going around promoting it legitimately deserves to be raped.

An estimated 185,000 people in 50 states were expected to join the walkout, with around 3,100 schools planning to participate, an organizer with the Women’s March told NBC News.


Planned by “Women’s March” people.


Linda was removed from the Women’s March by vindictive kikes – if she still had a voice she would have told kids to walk out of school and march CARRYING GUNS and to use them to SLAUGHTER KIKES.

The Women’s march is not what it once was – it is totally controlled by diabolical kikes.

The marches ranged in size. At Terre Haute North Vigo High School in Terre Haute, Indiana, organizer Elisabeth Downing said about 60 students stood in silence, many wearing orange — the color representing support for tighter gun laws.

No matter what you decide the action to be, we just want action,” said Downing, a senior. “We’re tired of thoughts and prayers, and we’re ready to finally do something.”

In Rhode Island, where a nor’easter on Tuesday dumped up to a foot of snow in some places, students weren’t able to march outside. About 250 students at Pilgrim High School in Warwick instead walked from their classrooms to the auditorium.

This is the gayest imaginable thing, these kids marching around telling people to give up their guns to Jews.

Don’t high schoolers think about like, being cool and so on?

Back in my day they sure did. Everything was about being cool. We used to say “are you with it, bro? can you get down with the clown?”

That was our way of saying “are you chill? can you dig these grooves?”

Now just look at this retard holding up a pink sign.

Let’s take a closer look.

What is going on in these schools?

I’ll float a theory: being “down” as they say was always part of a sexual strategy. Guys wanted to look cool because that is what the bitches are into – cool guys. Guys would look at other guys who had girls and then model their own behavior and style on those guys.

Now, however, everyone is addicted to pornography by the time they’re 10-years-old, so they’re not ever even thinking about impressing girls. The idea of physical sex is far, far away from their minds.

Instead of blowjobs, high school boys are looking for pats on the head from kikes. Instead of trying to stab the vag, they’re trying to get on CNN and whine.

This, my friends, is why we must ban porno.

You know who doesn’t watch porno?

Leslie Gibson.

Leslie Gibson calls em like he sees em and simply doesn’t care.

We call that “the gorilla mindset.”