China Bans Interracial Marriages for Women

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 10, 2016

asian shitlord

The Chinese are the new global shitlords.

UPDATE: This is a hoax, or some form of aggressive satire. Didn’t actually happen.

Full retraction.

But we weren’t the only site caught up by this – check Google News.

It should have happened though.

I do not personally like Chinese people.

But you’ve got to give them credit.

They don’t care about your feelings.

East Asia Tribune:

The Supreme People’s Court of China today passed legislation that will ban Chinese women from marrying non-Chinese men, with the law coming into effect at the beginning of 2018. The policy had been fiercely debated for a number of months before it finally won approval from the required number of legislators earlier today. Civil rights groups in China have condemned the restriction, pointing out that it discriminates against women by still permitting males to enter into interracial marriages.

“We strongly urge the People’s Court to reconsider this new law, and repeal the legislation before it comes into force.” A small group of protesters staged a rally outside the courthouse in central Beijing today, but were soon dispersed by authorities.

Can you imagine the protests if America blocked White women from marrying monkeys?

The entire nation would turn into Ferguson.

They would burn down the entire bitch.

Following decades of the one-child policy, China is now faced with a shocking gender imbalance – for every girl below the age of 18 in China, there are now three boys. “The law was introduced in order to promote social harmony,” commented one of the People’s Courts legislators. “We need to ensure there are enough Chinese women available for marriage; otherwise there is a high probability of increased levels of rape and other violence.”

The policy is basically the exact opposite of the Merkel policy of flooding Europe with aggressive single foreign men in their twenties and then teaching them how to date and have sex with local women.

This story – which is surely an interesting one – is getting virtually no coverage in the Western media.

I wonder why?