Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 13, 2015

China does not play around with social justice. They don’t really play around with much.
The day is coming soon when China will make an appearance on the world scene, and the statements they are going to make on world issues are going to drop the jaws of White liberals. And that is going to be a very good thing.
It is sad that we must rely on Asians to inject a bit of reality into our situations, but when they do, we will be thankful.
The lawyer of a women’s rights activist says Beijing police have told him his client and four other women activists have been criminally detained for planning to put up anti-sexual harassment posters in three Chinese cities.
Lawyer Wang Qiushi, who represents activist Wei Tingting, said Friday that police this week told lawyers representing the women that they have been accused of creating disturbances. Wang said it wasn’t clear when the women were formally detained, which is a legal step before being tried in court.
He said if convicted of creating disturbances, the women could serve up to three years in prison.
The women were detained last weekend before they could put up posters in conjunction with International Women’s Day. The European Union and the U.S. have called for their release.
The difference between the West and China is obviously Jews, but the effective difference is that they have a functional society run by grown adult men. The reason Jews never took over China is that they don’t have the same psychological make-up we have, and simply won’t tolerate outsiders. They just really hate everything that isn’t Chinese.
They also could never accept any of the social justice memes, given that they lack the emotional capacity – the altruism – to sympathize with the type of gibberish feminists and minorities spew out.

China recently denounced democracy (they do this regularly), and said that if they had it in their country they would be in the same spot as India.
In a scathing and sarcastic commentary on the western-style democratic system, state-controlled Xinhua said a bipartisan political system would have led to endless political bickering and political dysfunction in the country.
“Should China have adopted a system that facilitated lobbying among interest groups, policies on domestic infrastructure to bills that had worldwide implication would be caught in a self perpetuating cycle of limitless debates,” the commentary, published to coincide with the ongoing session of China’s rubber-stamp Parliament, said.
At best, China would have been another India, the commentary said, indicating exactly how China’s state-controlled media views India.
“At best, China would have been another India, the world’s biggest democracy by Western standards, where around 20 percent of the world’s poorest live and whose democracy focuses on how power is divided,” the commentary said.
“In 2014, India registered a per capital gross domestic product equal to a mere quarter of China’s GDP,” it added.
“Hindsight shows us that the Western political system, which is not inherently problematic and was designed to encourage “freedom”, would have been incompatible to a country where efficiency has driven remarkable economic growth and social development,” the commentary said.
Political lobbying would dilute the unique strength and success of socialist China’s “concentrating resources to do big things”.
Taking a critical view of democracy, it added that a system that “allows plurality is fertile ground for election rigging, vote buying and the silencing of minorities. In a country as ethnically and geographically diverse as China, the fires of opposition would have been stoked and the nation divided”.
“Even in comparison with the Republicans in the United States, filibusters in Chinese Congress would have made any health care or poverty reduction bill extremely difficult to pass.
Further, China’s feat of becoming the first developing country to halve its population living in poverty would have never been accomplished,” the commentary said.
All of those statements are brutally accurate. Though China is probably selling itself short by saying they’d end up like India. India has an average IQ of 82, while China’s is 100. This intelligence no doubt played a role in why they decided to reject the idiot Jew system of liberal democracy in favor of an authoritarian one party system.

Though I respect the thought behind a multiple party system, it really is just nutty in practice, especially in the post-industrial age. Just looking at the recent behavior of the Democratic and Republican parties – they spend all of their energy fighting each other, and this serves as an excuse for not doing anything else. It has created deep divisions in our society, for no reason that anyone can really explain. As the Chinese say, the votes are rigged anyway, via controlled media deciding the candidates.
Personally, I believe elections are a good idea, but you should vote for individuals who serve in a single party, and the governments purpose should be consensus building, not pointless bickering distractions.

Just to be clear, I don’t support Maoism. Though for nationalist reasons China doesn’t officially make a distinction between Maoism and their current system, they are completely different things. Modern China is not “communist” by any traditional Jewish definition of the term, but rather an authoritarian mixed economy.
The problem with China, as I see it, is that they have no religion beyond materialism, and this could lead to serious social turmoil, especially as it has allowed Christianity to spread. But it may be that the Chinese are so spiritually void, biologically, that they don’t even need a religion. I am not sure.