China: Nine Dead in Mass School Stabbing

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 28, 2018

So this is effectively the exact same situation as Parkland.

Except in China, where there is ultra-extreme gun control.

So the dude used a knife.

He still got over half the score that Cruz got at Parkland.


The death toll has risen to nine in Friday’s stabbing attack outside a middle school in northwestern China allegedly carried out by a former pupil seeking revenge for having been bullied.

The Mizhi county government in Shaanxi province reported that another 10 people have been hospitalized with injuries resulting from the rampage outside the No. 3 Middle School in the rural area that took place as classes were being dismissed for the evening.

Police have arrested a 28-year-old suspect identified by the surname Zhao who had been a student at the school and was apparently seeking revenge for having been picked on, the Mizhi government’s official microblog said on Saturday.

China tightly restricts private gun ownership, making knives and homemade explosives most common weapons in violent crimes.

In June last year, a 22-year-old man made the bomb that exploded at the front gate of a kindergarten in eastern China, killing eight people, including himself.

The lesson here is that gun control is not about preventing… kids from getting killed at schools.

Kids either will or won’t get killed at schools. There is bound to be some number of them killed these days, and that is just something you’re going to have to deal with – stress of modernity and other factors (probably MK Ultra) have created a situation where you’re not going to reduce the “dead school kid” count to zero any time soon.

That sucks, but that’s life.

What gun control is about is the government having much more extreme control over the population. Period. That is the only purpose. Any other reason that is associated with the plot is intended to use emotion to push for a political agenda.

Our government is mostly controlled by Jews, and they want to take our guns so they can treat us like Palestinians.

And trust me, bro.

You don’t want to be the Palestinians.