China Praises Chinese Prom Dress Girl

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 3, 2018

This is basically predictable.

Because Asians not only haven’t bought into the Jewish narrative that white people are trying to oppress them somehow, they don’t even have the context to understand the core concept.

So their immediate response to the pretty white girl wearing their dress is going to be “oh how nice and cute, she’s interested in honoring our culture, very sweet.”

And if some hook-nosed kike runs up on them like “NO DON’T YOU SEE – THIS IS OPPRESSING YOU!!!111” they’re just going to stare blankly.

Fox News:

When Keziah Daum sported a traditional, Chinese cheongsam dress to her senior prom in Utah last month, she likely never intended her photos to go viral or be slammed as a “closet racist” over accusations of cultural appropriation. But days later, the 18-year-old began winning praise from an unexpected source — Chinese audiences and social media users.

On May 1, an article on Wenxue City News covering Daum’s story largely voiced applause for her look, the English-language outlet South China Morning Post reported.

“Very elegant and beautiful! Really don’t understand the people who are against her, they are wrong!” a supporter chimed in of the cheongsam, otherwise known as a qiapo. “I suggest the Chinese government, state television or fashion company invite her to China to display her cheongsam!”

“It is not cultural theft. It is cultural appreciation and cultural respect,” another agreed.

According to the Post, Daum’s story has been making waves across Weibo, a Twitter-like platform popular in China.

“Culture has no borders. There is no problem, as long as there is no malice or deliberate maligning. Chinese cultural treasures are worth spreading all over the world,” one user mused.

The Jews know the whole shit is retarded and nonsensical.

It’s just that they can get most colored people to go along with it because they’re jealous and angry and white people.

Asians look at whites totally differently. They view us as accomplished people that they respect and also as global competitors they want to outdo with accomplishments.

They also generally aren’t interested in dumb, nonsensical Jew gibberish which exists only for the purpose of confusing reality in order to appease emotions. This is obviously due to extremely low emotionality. The “insectlike” portrayal is not really wrong.

But it also isn’t necessarily negative.

It’s just… an observable aspect of oriental nature.

Anyway, point being: it’s obviously good for us that Asians don’t go along with this Jew nonsense. It’s a beneficial factor of the reality situation which we need to always exploit in any way we can.