Daily Slave
August 18, 2014

The Jews aren’t the only ones using the promotion of race-mixing as a weapon against a type of people. The Chinese are doing this to the Tibetans in order to stamp out the rebellious nature of the Tibet people.
The Washington Post article referenced below flat-out says that this is what the Chinese race-mixing agenda is all about. How can one say that the race-mixing agenda promoted by Jews against White people is any different?
During their controversial six-decade-rule of Tibet, China’s Communist Party leaders have been accused by human rights groups of trying to tame the restive region by imprisoning Tibetan political prisoners, keeping in exile their leader the Dalai Lama and repressing Tibetan religion and culture.
Now, China has turned to interracial marriage in an apparent attempt to assimilate Tibetans and stamp out rebellious impulses.
In recent weeks, Chinese officials in charge of the Tibetan Autonomous Region have ordered a run of stories in local newspapers promoting mixed marriages. And according to newly published government reports, the government has adopted a series of policies in recent years favorable to interracial couples.
Urging officials to push mixed marriages harder, China’s highest official in the Tibetan region, Chen Quanguo, recently staged a photo op with 19 mixed families.