Daily Stormer
May 26, 2014

Citing the deranged black General Attorney Eric Holder’s weird bullying attempts, China is moving to further escalate tensions between their great nation and the failed American state.
From Forbes:
Today, the Financial Times, citing “people close to senior Chinese leaders,” reported that Beijing has ordered state enterprises to cut dealings with U.S. consulting firms, accusing them of spying for Washington. The “instruction,” as the paper called it, was handed down after U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced indictments against five Chinese military officers for “serious cybersecurity breaches.”
“The top leadership has proposed setting up a team of Chinese domestic consultants who are particularly focused on information systems in order to seize back this power from the foreign companies,” the paper quoted a “senior policy adviser to the Chinese leadership.” “Right now the foreigners use their consulting companies to find out everything they want about our state companies.”
Beijing has not signed the World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement, so the Chinese government is free to discriminate against foreign companies when it obtains goods or services. Nonetheless, if the FT’s reporting is accurate, the instruction looks like a violation of the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services, especially when state enterprises act in a commercial as opposed to a government capacity. In Part A of Annex 5 of that agreement, China undertook not to limit market access to “Management Consulting services” and agreed that foreign parties are entitled to “national treatment” with regard to such services.
Moreover, China, when it joined the WTO, confirmed that state enterprises would make purchases based “solely on commercial considerations, without any governmental influence or application of discriminatory measures.” Furthermore, Beijing, in negotiating its entry into the government procurement agreement, is now arguing that purchases by state enterprises should not be covered by the pact. In short, China’s ordering such enterprises to not do business with foreign consulting companies, as reported by the FT, is a clear violation of its WTO commitments.
Beijing does not seem to care. The central government’s order to state enterprises is part of a concerted attack on foreign IT. On Friday, the National Development and Reform Commission, China’s chief economic planning body, said it would strengthen national security review checks on foreign investments coming into China.
It was a really cool idea to start a new Cold War with Russia, and the Planet of the Apes occupational government of America did a great job pulling it off. But this new idea of starting a Cold War with China I think is even cooler and more exciting.
When asked why he decided to start a new war with China after having already started one with Russia, Eric Holder responded by singing Puff Daddy’s 1997 hit song “Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down,” while doing a little dance.