China Sentences Canadian National Chinaman to Death for Drug Dealing

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 30, 2019

When the Chinese pulled out that white Canadian guy from jail and tried him again and sentenced him to death for drug smuggling, I think that was genuinely a tit-for-tat in response to the kidnapping of Meng Wenzhou.

This is probably just a routine execution of a Chinese drug-dealer. I’m pretty sure that the Chinese do not recognize “but he has a Canadian passport tho” as somehow making the guy not Chinese anymore.


A Chinese court sentenced a Canadian national to death on Tuesday for producing and trafficking methamphetamine, amid heightened tension between Beijing and Ottawa over the arrest of a Huawei Technologies executive.

Canadian Fan Wei was a leader in the production and trafficking scheme, the Jiangmen Intermediate People’s Court said in a statement.

Another suspect, Wu Ziping, was also sentenced to death but Wu’s nationality was not given. The court also did not specify the gender of either Fan or Wu.

The court also issued judgments against nine other people, including one American and four Mexicans.

Mexican drug dealers in China should be a the plot of a movie starring Nicolas Cage as a Chinese cop.

It did not specify what sentences five of the nine received though it indicated the minimum they got was life in prison. It said the other four had been jailed, though it did not say for how long.

Fan is the second Canadian to be sentenced to death for drugs in China this year, during a period of escalating tension between the two countries.

In December, Canadian police arrested Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou, daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, at the request of U.S. prosecutors.

U.S. prosecutors have portrayed the company as a threat to national security and alleged that it conspired to violate U.S. sanctions. Both Meng, who is out on bail, and Huawei deny the allegations.

The fact of reality is that the US is completely losing their competitive edge against the Chinese in everything from military power to technology, so they decided to just start using mafia style tactics, including kidnapping.

Canada is just in the middle of it, because they are a US proxy state, like every other Western country is a proxy state of the Jewish Occupation Government running the US.