China Unveils 279mph Ultra-Train While Americans Continue to be Forced to Ride Shit-Trains with Woke Niggers

Americans were shocked that the US got BTFO on AI by the Chinese.

What people need to understand is that China is going to beat America at everything. America is a Jewish country that is less than 50% white, and all of the tech companies are monopolies that employ useless Indians.

There is no solution to this problem.

America has already lost to China.


China has unveiled yet another massive breakthrough in the realm of high-speed rail travel, courtesy of a new prototype train and a plan to install even more high-speed tracks in the next five years.

According to China Daily, the country plans to add 1,600 miles of new rail lines in 2025 and 7,000 miles of high-speed track by 2030. This comes on top of the 100,000 miles of rail lines and 30,000 miles of high-speed tracks that have already been built in the country.

China has one of the best and most extensive rail systems in the world, and its high-speed system is already the envy of virtually everyone. The star of the show has been the CR400 locomotive, but that could soon be a thing of the past as well.

According to CNN, China unveiled the prototype for the CR450, so-named because its max speed is 450 kilometers per hour (279 mph). The CR450 will operate commercially at 400 kilometers per hour (249 mph), making it the fastest train in the world.

Both the new track and train will aid China’s goal of making “travel between major cities possible in just 1-3 hours” while also supporting rapid cargo transit around the country.

America no longer does any projects at all.

The roads are complete trash, because corrupt unions with immense influence on the government insist on using trucks to carry goods, instead of trains and boats, because that allows them to get obscenely rich off of the transport industry.

Meanwhile, the government is too obsessed with spending trillions on foreign wars and paying for useless immigrants to fix the roads anyway.

America is a total shithole.

Where would you rather live?

This is what happens when you turn control of your country over to the Jews.

China is an example of what a modern country should look like in the current year if its government is run by people who care about the welfare of the nation.

Americans truly are the fattest retards, which is why they continue to babble on about “the greatest country on earth,” celebrating their Jew masters and their army of infinite niggers.

If America was the greatest country on earth, it wouldn’t be run by Jews and less than 50% white. It would be prosperous and nice, with a lot of freedoms, like China.

If they “stole everything” then why is it all better than the stuff in America?

If China was “stealing everything” from America, their country would be run by Jews and filled with useless niggers!

America is 100 years behind China, and the gap is widening at a rapid pace as America continues to get shittier and shittier and China continues to advance at a rapid pace.

But just keep claiming that Winnie the Pooh is illegal in China, even as the US government passes laws making it illegal to criticize a foreign country, you pathetic blobs.