Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 25, 2016
Multiple foreign leaders have attacked Our Glorious Leader, but this is the first time China has – even while China is the country Trump talks about most (it’s maybe a tie with Mexico, or maybe he talks about Mexico more).
The entire British government attacked Trump months ago, and he never even threatened them with anything.
I don’t know what took China so long to attack – maybe they understood that getting attacked is part of the plan.
China warned the United States on Wednesday not to adopt punitive currency policies that could disrupt U.S.-China relations after Donald Trump’s win in the Nevada caucus.
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters in Beijing that “we are following with interest the U.S. presidential election.”
Reports from Asia say Chinese state-run media have been ordered by the Communist Party to minimize reporting on the U.S. presidential election.
Hong Kong’s Chinese-language news outlet Oriental Daily reported Feb. 5 that the Party’s Propaganda Department, which sets policies for all state-run media, ordered all publications to ban election coverage of U.S. policies toward China and to focus election coverage on negative stories and scandals.
An interesting move.
Chinese people already hate America, and this Trump material against them would just make them hate America more. So it isn’t that it’s a threat to their narrative – apparently they just don’t want the populace getting all rustled.
Chinese are neurotic people by nature. If it was all over the news that a front-running American Presidential candidate was talking non-stop about shutting down trade with them, you’d have universal rustling. And if they get rustled, their production rate will drop.
Last month, Trump vowed to impose a 45 percent tariff on Chinese good to offset China’s devaluation of the yuan.
“They’re devaluing their currency, and they’re killing our companies,” Trump said. “We are letting them get away with it, and we can’t let them get away with it.”
The Obama administration has adopted conciliatory policies toward China on trade and currency issues.
Yeah. This monkey literally bows.
You’re not gonna catch President Trump bowing to any foreign leaders, I can tell you that.
Well, maybe in Japan where both people bow. But what Obama is doing there is prostrating himself – and that is how he’s handled trade, in a state of prostration.
Trump, on his campaign website, outlined a hardline approach to dealing with China that involves officially declaring China a currency manipulator and negotiating an end to the practice.
Trump also wants to thwart China’s theft of intellectual property and adopt policies aimed at bring jobs back from overseas to the United States.
Bolstering the U.S. military and “deploying it appropriately in the East and South China Seas” are other goals.
“These actions will discourage Chinese adventurism that imperils American interests in Asia and shows our strength as we begin renegotiating our trading relationship with China,” the Trump website states. “A strong military presence will be a clear signal to China and other nations in Asia and around the world that America is back in the global leadership business.”
Kinda makes you wish Bill Clinton wouldn’t have given all those nuclear secrets to China along with all our industry, huh?
That will of course come up during the Hillary debates.